>The character is exactly the same in the first episode as the last episode
The character is exactly the same in the first episode as the last episode
In most shonen its either this or he gets worse
This isn't bad when the character's personality is good. Besides, tanjiro got his character development in the first 3 episodes already, it was just really quick and early in comparison with other protagonists.
>when the character's personality is good
His isn't though, it's the most generic, boring personality ever for a shounen protag
Is Tangerine still alive?
But that's like, your opinion man.
He broke genya arm user. You can't call him boring
For a given notion of alive.
He's emotional mature which is what most Shounen protags lack. Also the point of his journey isn't to self-improve, it to help his sister.
>He's emotional mature which is what most Shounen protags lack
You know what? Sure, I'll give you that one.
>Tanjiro doesn't change
anime shitter detected. He gets a lot more rage moments later
Behead Zenitsu
That's not Tanjiro talking brainlet.
>What is a flat arc
>What is a paragon character
>OP didn't like Cowboy Bebop
Big cringe
>complains about how static characters are shit
>meanwhile Goku and Luffy are the most iconic shounen protagonists ever
It works when you have a good character
>Mary sues are now considered good characters
He is an unrealistic and unreletable boring piece of shit
You can just read Radiant if you want character development.
Everything is a Mary Sue to you
>loses basically every fight in the series
>Mary sue
Are you retarded?
No that’s Deku
Flat character arc is the opposite with the normal kind of character arc, in it rather than the MC chance due to the influence of other, here it the MC who influence the world to change. Also Mary Sue and unrelatable is opposite since the point of a Mary Sue is to be self-insert by the author.
yeah it's muzen talking. you must be autistic if you can't read the anger expression on his face
This is how I know you’re an anime-only
If they foreshadowed it I would have been fine with it. But nope
>so hard headed that his head is literally hard
>said hard head keeps getting him into trouble that he has to improvise to get out of
>Hot female character want to fuck MC
>He acts like a completly faggot
Did you miss the part where that ends up doing nothing and the fight concluded with someone 1 billion times stronger than Tanjirou one shotting him
I believe that not every character needs to develop and chnage drasticaly over the life of a story. But facing death as many times as he did you would think he at least changed a bit.
no? there's only one girl in the whole show that had feelings for him and it's a weird autist girl
He's been busy all this time just looking after his sister and doesn't have girls fawning over him
Ok fuck it
i really liked this series but fuck off hes a fucking mary sue
Not really, the point of a flat character arc like Tanjirou is that the world might challenge his view but he still stand with his principle at the end. It how the MC change the supporting cast is what matter. Basically the supporting cast and the MC switch role.
The word May Sue stop having any meaning since people don't even know what it mean anymore.
nice projection, retard
He’s literally just a good person who works hard
Explain how someone who is nowhere remotely near the most powerful person in the series, has a long history of failure, and is currently the literal villain of the series is a Mary Sue
Hori literally says he designed Deku as plain
I didn't say that he had to change, it just seemed weird that he didn't.
Seeing his whole family killed already the most traumatic experience he can get. Also he did change a little, mainly at the start, he became less hesitate about his action.