Magical Beast:
Do they have civil rights?
Are they allowed to become Hunters?
Are they allowed to become doctors or lawyers?
How are the relationships between humans and magical beasts?
Do they have place in a human society?
All the Magical Beasts are from the Dark Continent, next to the Gatekeepers, will we see other Magical Beasts in the DC?
Should the Magical Beasts play a more important role in the future?

Who will die? Hisoka or Chrollo?

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Youpi is best RG, can't change my mind.

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Good and productive to neutral
Some of them so but not in all society
100% yes

Chrollo will die.

You cannot read the Succession War arc without a broad appreciation of the works of Deleuze and at minimum a general understanding of post-structuralism. This arc DEMANDS more of us and honestly there's no excuse to not be up to date on your supplemental reading. Togashi gives us these long hiatuses for a reason. The last time it returned it was honestly painful seeing anons struggle with 101 concepts like binary opposition. Me and the other Hunterchads will do our best to guide you guys but at some point you have to take on the burden of actually UNDERSTANDING it yourself.

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Pitou = Meruem confirmed

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togashi poorly explained the magical beast race

Another masterplan I assume, user?

When Meruem says "What is this" it's just normal.
But when Pitou says it, my mind automatically reads it as "uwu what's this?" WTF i don't know why

Where does Kite come from?

Hunter x Hiatus

Leave Pitou to me.

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Magical Beasts really don't make much sense anymore as the series has become more grounded in reality. HxH world was originally a lot crazier/goofier but these days it's just our world with different names for countries + nen.

Like why were people so amazed by Chimera Ants when magical beasts were already well known? You can see the shift in worldbuilding.



An white Brazilian right?

I heard there are many Japanese immigrants in Brazil

Killua is cute!

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Yeah, Japanse-Brazilian people but what about white Brazilians?


Killua can create his own candies as many as he wants, because transmuters are also not bad at conjuration.

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Nen ain’t free!
You must respect the rules of nen.

if he wants to become a jobber that is

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Is conjuration really the worst category?



Can a conjurer conjure food and water?

I would say yes, but can a conjurer go forever eating only food he conjured?

I would say no, because it's like drinking your own piss.
You need to use your aura to create food. Using aura uses up your life energy. If you eat that food, you are just feeding back the aura into your system again. So you don't make a net gain. At best you can drag out your hunger death a little longer. It's like drinking your own piss. Yes you feed fluids back into your body, but that will only last you so long. Eventually you need an external water source. You can't survive only on conjured food, you need to eat real food as well.

This means Killua can make his own candy, and not only that, but he can eat as much of that candy as he wants without getting fat.



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According to Pitou, Gon-san was at Mereum's level, which would put him above Netero

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Shoot is Love
Shoot is Sex
Shoot is Life

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Oh no! Here we go again.

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They shouldn't have bothered making a thread since there's nothing to talk about.

Fuck off. If we wanted this power level dick measuring shit we would watch garbage like DB