Hidamari Sketch

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Remember to breathe normally, anons!

Attached: yunobreathe.gif (400x524, 523.66K)

>tfw not wide enough to breathe

It's over for me, bros.

Why should I when sensei doesn't anymore?

Attached: 1557094804730.jpg (480x480, 45.1K)

I would never be mean to any of the Hidamaris.

Attached: Seyuno.jpg (630x630, 62.17K)

Miyako is my favorite.

Sensei is keep living inside your heart, user.

Attached: 1576959088461.jpg (1920x1080, 122.75K)

So my heart is kind of perverted now?

Yeah, you can say that.

Meant for


Is Yuno mocking those suffering from the coronavirus?

she's patient zero

Attached: Hidamari Sketch - 05.mkv_snapshot_03.38_[2020.02.27_15.56.17].png (1920x1080, 2.46M)

If the 'rona gave you cool trippy SHAFT fever dreams I wouldn't mind getting it

Is Ume still doing gacha crap?

I'd rather the surprise visit from Miyako later.


Attached: peek.png (1920x1080, 737.08K)

what scale is that?

Sub error, I think its supposed to be 38.2 celsius

three dots?

Yes, three dots for the missing "3",obviously.


Attached: 1583139509545.jpg (322x288, 15.21K)

Nobody cares about Natsume.

Hiro and Sae are worst Hidamaris. Nazuna and Nori are better. Matsuri is best.

Not actually an error, she does say 8.2. The 30 is implied. But it is confusing to read, so not the best choice.

Attached: Shaft milk.jpg (1270x714, 260.62K)

Fuck you.



Stop posting on Yas Forums, Matsuri.

What would Mama and Papa say?

Attached: Anmerkung 2020-04-17 195510.png (374x523, 180.59K)

I care about Natsume.

Attached: 1554103998017.png (1000x1000, 59.01K)

Yuno stands for passionate conscentual sexual intercourse.

Attached: 30756614_p0.jpg (600x600, 279.12K)