Why is Yas Forums so shit?
Why is Yas Forums so shit?
Because you're here
Chaika on the front page!
Because anime is a cringe
99% of anime isn't worth watching. Chaika is in the 1% though.
Shonenshit and the shit it attracts.
Too many Latin Americans.
>Chaika is in the 1% though.
Chaika is the 99%. Its just moeshit.
Nice try, spic
pleb taste
dont project pedro
You lost hombre, anime is too big in latin america, we won't be stopped.
>Shit story
>It only got popular due to Chaika making her autistic moe faces
because Yas Forums's dumb "no generals" rule makes it impossible to have threads about shows people actually care about
Yeah that's enough to put it in the 1%
but only shonen fans care about generals
The absolute state of moeshitters and Yas Forums, watching shit anime just to look at 30 secs worth of moe.
I like Yas Forums. Just because he doesn't like you doesn't mean he is shit.
Dont care for moeblobs, only chaika
>Dont care for moeblobs, only chaika
Thats still moeshit, Chaika isnt an exception.
She is
Because it's primarily made up of this unholy trinity:
- lonely virgins that watch self-insert harem porn
- not necessarily lonely virgins, but somehow still have the same taste so they watch c.g.d.g.t.
- idiots that are probably virgins, but not lonely about it, that watch magical boy battle crap
So the end result is that this is a place where people actually think that Dragon Ball, Toradora!, and Yuru Yuri are worth anything.
Luckily there are some men of culture left though, here, that watch Lain instead.
Not like myself, but just fuck off then, retard.
>Cant even talk in full sentences
>Huge and wide eyes
>Weird facial expressions
Chaika is moeshit pure and her anime is even worse.
Shonenspics need to be deported!
Chaika on the hecking front page!
Because this guy is gone now
you sound upset, you need the light of Chaika
But generals are horrible AND despite the rule we still fucking have them somehow
>you need the light of Chaika
I dont watch moeshit.
Because there isn't a 2nd season of Magipoka yet
nor do I, I watch Chaika
>I watch Chaika
Google: Chaika funny faces and youve seen your generic moeshit without wasting hours watching her shit anime.
Go back to tower of gook or naruto thread.
>hehe, look I posted it again
Fuck off, you delusional retard. Shonenshitters are the only cancer and pull off much better series even away from normalfaggots.
The issue is that the "no generals" rule isn't very specific and is enforced selectively.
Certain shows always have a thread up, but those threads are allowed to persist.
Other, one-off threads are purged just for having the word "edition" in the title.
no, i need the masterpiece that is the full two seasons
Shitty mods.