One Piece

What can we expect from Nami and Robin on Onigashima?

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I hope everyone gets a fight. Even the broads.

Kaido's son(who's the complete opposite of katakuri)vs Luffy will happen, you know it to be true


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In fact, Nami will have Zeus taken back (or killed) by Large Mother so expect her to get nerfed

Entertainment for the Beast Pirates after they defeat the alliance.


Bros I'm not holding up too good

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Here's the latest chapter user

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How... much...longer...

7 days!

I could never get into Bleach so I don't get it

Holy shit, Usopp with Gol D. Roger's blood flowing through his veins. No wonder he tried to usurp Luffy and take control of the strawhats.

>wahhh luffy save me im sorry for charging you wahhh

There are gonna be... lots of mooks! Lots of fodder for Nami to zap and Robin to stomp!

I want Carrot and Kiku to become friends and get excited over silly shit

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I want Robin-sama to stomp me

Fuck furfags, fuck scalies and fuck trannies

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I exepct them to getting raped by the beast pirates

Katakuri will marry luffy after the war

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>JAAAACK I got the corona virus
>Hop into this pill and kill it for me

I hate this artist so fucking much.


Too bad

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Are you the artist?

No, i'm just gay

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this is a Perona thread now

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In my headcanon while living on that island for 2 years they had multiple "awkward accidents" and "helped one another" with stuff on many occasions.

Shit taste user

>make gay art
>Luffy looks like a lesbian
He sucks.

She's Zoro's wife now

>finding excuses for having shit taste
Just admit it and go desu

She would watch zoro masturbate and shower regularly

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>zoro masturbate
He doesn't

how do you think he scarred his left eye?
He had a orgasm so hard he accidentally used haki on his dick and sliced his eye with a cumshot

You mean Mihawk's.


I can see him not having gotten over Kuina. He gets off on her beating him.