So what do we think about Bakarina?

So what do we think about Bakarina?

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I want to stick my dick in her.

She's pure and not for lewd degeneracy and her show is aoty

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>we'll never get to see Bakarina on the toilet
>we never got to see her poop in Episode 2
Why even live

is this just isekai trash or is it actually good for once?

It's otome trash and it's very good

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>exposed shoulders
What a shameless harlot.

That dress says otherwise. She seems one pull away from being naked.

Depends on if you want 'good' or 'fun'. It's definitely not good, but it is fun at the moment, but I'm not sure if it'll be able to keep that up until the end.

How good of a time you'll have is directly proportional to your tolerance for idiot protagonists.

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Any sex or rape?

Doujins when

I remember the manga to be fun the first 10 chapters or so. After, it grow extremely tedious and repetitive.

Based and pure.

Unbased and whoreish.

I like it a lot and I hate isekai.

What's with that scar?

It's really good despite being otome shit.

She smashed her head on the floor remember? The scarring is why Geordo proposed the engagement to compensate tarnishing her face.

Isn't it implied that he was going to propose to her anyways because he's some sort of evil mastermind and was using the scar as a convenient excuse.

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Implied one way, outright stated in his POV (available subbed on nyaa thanks to an user). He just needed to be engaged so people stop hassling him about engagement but of course Catarina turned out to be weird enough to keep his attention

Sucks for him that he's going to keep getting smarter and more mature meanwhile she is going to stay exactly the same.

Not a degenerate c*nnyfaggot, so I want her to hurry up with the timeskip.
Then I can have another anime this season besides Gleipnir to put me in a fapping mood.

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I like her with bangs

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Katakana has nasty farts

Pretty nice seeing Keith growing some balls for once.

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I'm an N1 holder so jokes on you

What the hell with that X mark on her 5head?

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You can't unlearn Japanese.

It's her foreheadpussy.

I want to impregnate it.

Get in line buddy.