Digimon Adventure: (2020)

Will the new season of Digimon be good, Yas Forums? Omegamon appearing after only two episodes feels way too quick.

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Them saving the world (or at least Tokyo) in episode 3 feels way too soon.
I really liked the pacing in the original, where the first ~20 episodes were just about getting to know the Digital World.
I do kind of like how, just like in the original, Koushiro is by far the most useful character.

>12 episodes


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"'"""It's not a retcon""""

>imagine fusing to become powerful
Alphamon > Omegamon


The consensus seems to be that people think the show blew its load too early, going for early wows that will bite them in the ass when they need to develop the Digimon to Adult, then to Perfect, then Ultimate, before getting Omegamon again. Depending on how they do it, it's possible everyone will just be yawning every step that it's not Omegamon.

I've actually been thinking why I don't really care about Algomon, the current villain. There's two reasons, I suppose. The first is that Algomon is not a character. I mean, neither was Kuwagamon, but with Kuwagamon, we got information about it through the other Digimon and the analyzer. We have no information about Algomon. It just... is. The second is that nobody's scared of Algomon. It's treated as a punching bag for Taichi and Yamato. I suppose these are why I don't really feel much from the fights.

Oh, and no insert songs yet :(
Brave Heart, Break Up!, Beat Hit!, Slash!!, One Vision, With the Will, Believer... Digimon is known for amazing insert songs. It's a shame if we don't get one, or only get one late into the series.

But I still have hope. It's awfully quick to judge based on 2 episodes, especially since they haven't even shown us the plot yet.

Nah i know about Beelzebumon thou

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>Replace the iconic Diaboromon with a shit new plant themed virus
>It's first two stages even look like shitty fan redesigns of Tsumemon and Kuramon
For what purpose?

That actually happened in Kizuna. Gabumon's Bonds Evolution has a motorcycle form.

>The consensus seems to be that people think the show blew its load too early
Cool horseshit bro


>"And to the Digital World"

I hope Colon Digital World is good. tri.'s Digital World was terrible.

I feel like the anime is keeping up with the lastest digimon releases where it's not about power levels, in Tri Omegamon also appeared early irc.
Also they didn't skip ultimate and mega, and in the Op Wargreymon looks a bit more mysterious than Omegamon, so we will probably get build up about it.

There is also the fact that Dukemon is the narrator, so a Royal Knights plot is also possible.

Well, I admit my sample is not necessarily a representative one, but at the very least a significant minority, most likely the majority of people who know anything about the franchise are wary about Omegamon appearing in the second episode, considering it possibly too early.

And no, I don't mean the mouthbreathers who think they'll be summoning Omegamon willy nilly all the time frol now on.

Tri was a sequel, this is a reboot.

this might be a legitimate timeline reboot in universe. agumon seems to know who taichi is and after greymons first win he kind of looks at him weirdly. is it possible the world literally got rebooted but the digimon remember their partners?

We already got Tomioka and Gallop as a outsource studio so soon?


The Digimon also knew their partners in the original. The character profiles paints these Digimon (or at least some of them) as war heroes. It's possible it's a timeshenanigans, but god I fucking hope not.

yeah, but digimon has been so far, directed to digimon fans. We all know Omegamon exists and will appear when necessary, so it could be accepted to show omegamon right of the bat so it wont ruin possible future problems.

Otherwise everytime something "big" happens we would be expecting him, maybe?

Please let this not be another digimon series that devolves into weird timeline/parallel universe fuckery.

>real world reboot
I really hope it doesn't do this. tri. rebooted the Digital World and look how badly that was received.

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>Please let this not be another digimon series that devolves into weird timeline/parallel universe fuckery.
What other digimon series has done that?

Young Hunters

You know this is what happens after KIZUNA movie

>02 with both mechinedramon and with the the malomyotismon fight
>Ryo in tamers and the entire area 'below the digital world' that the gnomes came from
>Xwars literally refrencing there where 'prior' digital worlds, and other digidestined showing up.

Why would that happen at all.

No brave heart no watch.

>Rebuild of Evangelion
>Final Fantasy VII Remake

>Debut 2006
Well for baby though adult is new though.

>I do kind of like how, just like in the original, Koushiro is by far the most useful character.
Was Koushiro the least ruined of the original kids in 02? I would say none of the eight were handled well in it.

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Why anyone watches Digimon Adventure: is pretty clear at this point.

Taichi a cute, A CUTE!

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