Early Preorder Rankings

*216位/*181位 Otome Game Hametsu Flag
*263位/*583位 Kaguya-sama Season 2
*587位/*451位 Yesterday wo Utatte
*627位/*680位 Bookworm Season 2
*800位/2114位 Kakushigoto
*916位/1113位 Sakura Wars
1104位/1581位 Fruits Basket 2
1681位/1218位 Tsugumomo
2051位/1384位 Hachi-nan tte
2550位/2051位 White Cat Project
3216位/19291位 The Millionaire Detective
4783位/2618位 Wave, Listen to Me!
4986位/3392位 idolish7
6139位/4411位 Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater

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Bakarina is flopping hard

>3216位/19291位 The Millionaire Detective
I've never watched this, but I've seen this all over my TL and in the trends. I guess twitter popularity doesn't translate to actual sales.

>BD sales
That's said, is anyone in the mood to buy BDs in this current situation.


nips have good taste for once
in the trash where it belongs

Tower of God is doing amazingly well in streaming sites internationally and in Japan. I'm expecting that it can easily get renewed for a second season.

you sure about that crunchygook shill? not even chinks are bothering with that webtoon garbage

why does she look like iori

Correct. Number of likes/retweets doesn't always translate to people willing to buy the BDs

>*587位/*451位 Yesterday wo Utatte
Didn't expect it.

VEG rebroadcast is in the top 100 KEK

>not even chinks are bothering with that webtoon garbage
It's in the Top 10 on Bilibili

That's pretty good actually.

You forgot to mention Listeners OP

I forgot, what website name to track this list? Pripri.pr? Puripuri.pr?, Piripiri.pr? No on seems work for me.

>Top 10
There is no top ten in bililili idiot, its only streaming count atm

>In the top 10
>Lost to the fucking hatchi nan tte and glephenir

Yeah, it seems no one cares about tog

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>Tower of God is doing amazingly well in streaming sites internationally and in Japan
If you are saying number 34th in niconico is amazing well then sure, lol

>in Japan
Why are you lying?

Man, if most of anime in this season aren't got delayed by Corona then no one will even give a shit about tog

not for long, lmao look at that gap

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On unrelated note, Jashin-chan stronk.

kek. In some way it will be good if retards that use CR like it so they can flock to gookshit and leave anime alone.

>That's pretty good actually.
>not even in the top 100.
Anything at 200 is going to sell 4k

>*587位/*451位 Yesterday wo Utatte
Is japan ACTUALLY developing taste?

>Tower of God is doing amazingly well in streaming sites internationally and in Japan
lmao imagine lying for a chinese cartoon like a bitch

In the streaming era 4k is really good

I am a newfag, how does this work?

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>**8,486 (=**8,486) 球詠 1 [Blu-ray] (313pt)
>*55,718 (=*55,718) LISTENERS Blu-ray BOX1 (147pt)

I have to wonder what ToG did to this guy to make him samefag to this extent

>ln boost
You can say whatever excuse you have, it still isn't.