would you date gabrieru ?
Would you date gabrieru ?
Marry even
sophie may never engage love with an human because she would either get addicted to your blood and eventually killing you or may fear you will die and she will remain alive
gabriel can get old and have a normal death
she stinks
I prefer Rahi
raphi is the typical girl that will eventually cheat on you, shes likes to mock control and manipulate people, she is also a rich girl that treats bad poorfags, for your mental health stay far away
vigne is the best option, satania is just too autistic and will try to make jokes on the wedding fucking retard
Imagine the smell.
But Vigne is boring.
I like Raphi's personality and her tits.
I would if she didn't have holy light covering my view
i want to drag her into the shower and give her a good cleaning
Imagine sticking your tongue up sophie's immaculately clean asshole. She hasn't shit in over 300 years.
God I can't stop imagining the smell every time I see Gab.
How can you date someone who's literally too lazy to show up on a date? Hard pass.
I want to clean her disgusting feet with my tongue while I'm fucking her.
the dates at her place playing netoge
I'd prefer vigne but gab is my second choice out of the others
There's nothing gayer than visiting a girl only to play vidya.
Kinda hot ngl
wtf nobody ever told me Satania's show has such a cute flat in it!
Only If you do not fuck her
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
She would make a nice Steam friend.
I am going to find you and kill you
I want to drag my tongue all the way through Gabu's asscrack.
I want Gab to step on my dick and balls with her full weight punishing my cock for getting hard from her...and then go even further after i cum on her
Gabriel is also immortal though??? She's a literal angel my friend. Also fucking her would likely make you ascend so have fun with that
why the snek?