
Friends, I think I'm unironically in love.

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Medusa best girl

sakura worst fate girl

enjoy the worms

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Too bad for you being in love with my wife

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So you’re saying she... wormed her way into your heart?

What's the worst thing that could happen. They just want your mana.

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How does it feel to be inside Sakura? I bet that it is nice and worm there

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She won't be your wife for long, I'm slowly worming may way into her life.

Do you happen to be a worm, OP?

user, sorry but you are not funny. Not because the jokes make Sakurafags mad like you want to think (in fact old men ebin jokes are as bad as these), its just that they are horrible. My uncle makes better jokes than you. I feel like someone needed to tell you this so you stop making a fool of yourself.

>being this anti-fun
Did a worm crawl up your ass or something?

Don't mind me, just killing your forced meme.

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You know what they say: "Once you get wormed, you'll always squirm."

Keep dreaming.

Secondarhino pls

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user I...

I never said she never got dewormed so you can't worm yourself out of this argument with that bullshit.

wormy vagina



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Rinfags, everyone.

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Sakura is the worst girl because she's more boring than Saber.

She's the most complex character in the entire novel. Full of contradicting emotions and internal conflicts. Self-hatred, resentment, a small ray of hope and love, fear, and the desire to do good. All melted into one and making Shirou abandon his childish views of the world. She's a beautiful cherry blossom

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Wasn't me that said that, Worst Official Reply Man

I'm very disappointed in some of you Yas Forumsnons. So you wouldn't love your waifu if something tragic and out of her control happened to her? That's very mean and normalfaggy. What a bunch of bullies

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What did Nasu mean by this ?

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T. Shirou

>That's very mean and normalfaggy
That's actually very beta. Who would willingly accept worm whore in real life?
Only betas with no self love