I just got done reading this manga called "Fire Punch" and damn, it's a real hidden gem...

I just got done reading this manga called "Fire Punch" and damn, it's a real hidden gem. You should really check it out if you have the time. Don't be put off by its obscurity, I can't understand why it isn't more well known on Yas Forums.

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Never heard of it, I'll be sure to check it out

Thank you! Added to my must-read list then.

it's shit

Upvote and like

*it's the shit
Fixed that for you, user. No need to thank me, just doing my duty as a poster on this fine board. I hope you have a terrific day.

I will read it at once, so I also can get to experiance these so called "kino" moments I keep hearing everybody here rant about. Thank you for making all these threads with Agnis face to spread the word. I bet nobody finds it annoying as fuck


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1) Everybody heard about it on Yas Forums
2) It's fucking jump. No manga that has 83 chapters and published in jump is fucking obscure.

user I...

This manga is retarded but also a work of art

Best thread on Yas Forums


Haha, it sure is funny how the manga is called "Fire Punch" even though he only did the Fire punch once in the story!

his name is agni, how subtle, how does the author do it

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Jump+ NOT Jump.
Jump+ is mostly obscure aside from maybe 1 or 2 titles.

ah yes shonen jump the obscure manga magazine for discerning gentlemen such as myself

falcon punch!

how new?



Firetranny genocide when


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literally all me

>every magazine is the same haha got you I'm such a cultured reader

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Not only Kaguya but Love Live are seinen, demography says literally nothing, and mostly the magazine isn't coordinated with the intended audience.
Dumb retard.
>le epic shitty heros of the galaxy pretentious guy one line

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Honestly one of the better ones I’ve read the lady few years but I really really want to drag the spammers behind a truck for a couple miles. At least the edits have some effort in them

>Hidden gem
>Everyone praises or talks shit about it here

Or you are a tourist.


yeah, some edits are pretty good, have this one in case you havent seen it.

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Funny thing is majority of CGDCT manga aka moeshit are serialized in seinen mags.
Seinen magazines usually have more variations compared to their shounen counterparts. You can every single genre there

Who is this guy?