What's the most annoying fanbase on this website? For me...

What's the most annoying fanbase on this website? For me, it's definitely the Boku no Hero fans spamming several threads at once.

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It's the Jojofags making part 4 bait threads twice a day


Shonenfags. All of them.


There are several, user. Occasionally we are all part of more than one. But I can't tell you which one because most of the time I ignore them.

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Shonentards for sure

JoJo's or SnK
honorable mentions for gochiusa and boku no pico academia

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herofags are awful but it's pretty obviously not people who like the series spamming it on Yas Forums

Eva fags spamming their show with multiple threads every day.

Narutards, and it's not even close.

Did you just wake up from a decade-long coma?

>it's definitely the Boku no Hero fans spamming several threads at once
How? They never leave their threads and the threads themselves are easy as shit to filter. The worst fanbases are the ones seeking attention in threads not relevant to them like hunterfags or VEGtards.

The fuck is that filename

The following in order:
Moefags (especially Kirarafags)

probably got the image from google and copypasted the image link into the quick reply, hence why it's not transparent.

SNKwhales are, bar none, the most cancerous faggots on Yas Forums.

Yas Forums itself. You're all some of the rudest and most irredeemable people I've ever seen. I hate all of you.


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Imagine if the dragon baller shitters didn't stay in their thread. Just take one look at the place and you will realize no fanbase stands a chance if they ever decided to shitpost in another thread.

Every fanbase.
Soon you'll notice it, get swallowed in the shitfest and become an annoying x-fag as well.

This. Their pathetic general needs to be purged.
Also dbspics

Anything who's popularity reaches outside of Yas Forums.
Fucking jojo.

So pretty much everything

The haters are the ones spamming shitpost threads.

Dragon Ball threads are worse, much worse. They unironically consider themselves the Chads of Yas Forums.

Fire trannies
Every other group is at least mildly amusing occasionally , fire trannies are just obnoxious all the time.

Every breath you take and every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you
Every single day and every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay, I'll be watching you

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What is going on with this image?