Just finished watching Stardust Crusaders. While I found the whole Jojo thing quite amusing and sometimes entretaining...

Just finished watching Stardust Crusaders. While I found the whole Jojo thing quite amusing and sometimes entretaining, I don't plan to keep wasting my time with this deus ex-machina plagued shounen. Spoil the rest of the series for me

I already know Giorno is the son of Dio/Jonathan. I'd like to know more little facts like thid that connect the three parts I watched of Jojo's, to the rest of the series

Attached: 2c3.gif (500x281, 2.37M)

just read the wiki or skip to part 7 for much better writing

Everyone dies except for Rohan and Giorno.

Spoiler alert : OP is gay

I would actually watch hentai/ecchi by Araki. Lisa Lisa, the muslim girl and the magnet stand user are some of the best cartoon girls ever

part 4 is a slow burn for most of it, but kira is generally agreed to be a very engaging villian even if his actions come off as very dumb sometimes, like all shounens a lot of fights seem to be solved by the most obtuse of things but overall its a bit better than part 3, part 5 has probably some of the best fights of the series even if its lacking in some characters and the ending arc isnt that well done
part 6 takes place in a prison for most of it, which is its biggest downfall, but it has one of the best jojos, best villians, ending and its second half is quite decent
part 7 is meme tier for a reason, its good, but not as much as its hyped up to be, start is kinda slow
8 is still a mystery, until the ending i cant give it a proper rating, but so far its the best one just on the basis of how engaging it is

How do I get over the bump of how boring and stupid the first arc is

I actually thought the first arc was the best part, specially the first episodes

>Enya bought the arrow that gave DIO his stand from a sicilian mafioso
>the arrows were made from a meteorite speculated to contain an alien microbe colony that psychically infects people, and manifesting a stand in response is the psychic equivilent of an auto-immune response. 'Normally' someone gets a stand by becoming supernaturally talented at their life's work
>one of DIO's minions survived, a prirst who loved DIO as much as he loved God, and uses a combination of specific stand users to clone DIO and absorb the clobe into his stand, granting him spacetime powers he uses to reboot the world and grant everyone who ever lived a natural awareness of their total fate, to 'cure' humanity of the suffering of not knowing if you're making the right decision or not. But his own death causes him to never have been born, resulting in a third timeline where not!Jotaro succesfully cleaned up all of DIO's remaining connections and was free to focus on raising his daughter. With the Joestar curse broken, future Jojo stories now take place in a wholly original timeline where the Zepellis invented a martial arts based on energy rotating in the golden ratio rather than harnessing the solar energy released by breathing, and Jesus Christ (aka Joshua ben Joseph) travelled to America after his ressurection and instructed the locals to divide his corpse and hide the pieces once he gives up the ghost.
>in order to find these pieces the US president arranges a transamerican race
>the jojo who enters the race kills the president and hands the corpse over to an italian sect of christian peacekeepers, but when his wife falls sick he steals the corpse of jesus and tries to cure her, but accidentally creates several bizarre phenomenon in the surrounding area when a mudslide buries him with the corpse.
>thanks to one of these phenomenon his great grandson gets merged with the corpse of this universe's version of the main villain of part 4, creating a man with four testicles

Attached: hair.webm (640x360, 2.93M)


Thank you, this is literally the kind of bs I expected to encounter if I continued with Jojo's. Glad I got spoiled

Skip to 7. New universe


Thats not how mid works

Identity death is still death.

The son of just Jonathan.

Giorno isn't confirmed to have survived though?

>Spoil the rest of the series for me
There isn't even anything to spoil. If you're reading Jojo to "see what happens" then you were never going to enjoy it in the first place.

the entirety of part 3 is boring

Yes but not everyone changed

I just finished part 7 and it's shit user, literally every part gets more convoluted than the last.

Can someone please explain to me how the president pulled dio with the world to the base universe without messing up the timeline from what happened in part 6?

while the first 3 parts were adventure focused by their nature of revolving around the Dio/Joestar conflict ... there's a natural plotline that emerges from that. After part 3, it really just turns into episodic garbage. Entertaining sure, but its a complete departure from the rest of the series.

Hes from another world genius

Part 3 started the episodic nature

watch part 5, it's the only part that i really enjoy

Great I love araki ass pulls and you guys don't consider this shonen wtf?

Btw there's 5 jojo threads right now, what kind of shitty alternate universe did I get stuck in.

>what kind of shitty alternate universe did i get stuck in
Probably the one where diego has the world

Mmmmmm boobies

>part 7 is meme tier for a reason, its good, but not as much as its hyped up to be, start is kinda slow
this is exactly what I was afraid
after seeing so much ejaculation for part 4 and it ending up being really tedious, I started suspecting that part 7 is equally as overrated if not more

Thats why you dont listen to other peoples opinions,
You should see what you like.

Part 3 is the worst part, if that's why you dropped it then you're missing out. But you sound like a fag, so who cares.

Part 4 has shit characters and a meandering story, but in part 7 the characters actually get fleshed out and the story keeps moving.