Suiton master

>suiton master
>don't use in the war

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>washing away uchiha blood
>not basking in it
not going to make it bro


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fuck off narutard

You hate me?

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Is this going to turn into a chads who did nothing wrong thread?

naruto sucks

>Land of FIRE
>Suiton specialist kage


You do it for free.

>declare uchihas a threat
>secludes a founder clan to the outskirts of the village
>thinks they wouldn't figure out his incredible master plan
>his master plan is the reason for the uchiha uprising
He was a retard.

He’s literally responsible for all the bad things in the series.

That would be Hiruzen and Danzo's retarded decision.

Where do you think we are?

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Nah. If he had just let Madara become Hokage, no bad things would have happened at all.

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The biggest plothole is who did Hashirama die

The Uchiha weren't forced to the outskirts of the village until the Nine Tails incident. By that time, Tobirama had been dead for at least thirty years.

Incorrect. That happens during his rule as Hokage.

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bullshit, Madara was a cunt and widely disliked

>defeat Eternal Mangekyo Madara with 100% Nintail
>have super regenerative body
>can literally create life
>die without explanation
Kishi is a fucking hack

tobirama was everything but a chad

probably died to disease

Oh wait, he got BTFO in one sword slash because he's a poorfag without armor.

Contradicts the sequence of events presented in chapter 399.

just like any character that Kishi had no other idea how to get rid off

nigga his body was so fucking regenerative and hax that half the villain has some of his cell
disease killing him is bullshit

back then it was for no reason. He was not a cunt, and his clan while wasn't fascinated with him, still were okay with him before he started waging wars again. The biggest reason for general citizens to not like him was "wow his face is kinda gloomy and scary", which could be fixed easily and Tobirama was even gloomier anyways, just had more shill from his brother

keep pissing yourself when your anija gives you a scary look, tobibitch

Why would Obito know how it went down? He’s like 30, and stopped going to school at 12 years old. Plus we know he made shit up, like saying Asura inherited a strong body from Hagaromo, when Hagaromo himself said Asura inherited zero benefits or skills from himself.

user, both Obito and Itachi lied a shit tone there

Madara is a cunt though. He's definitely the type who'd try to 'lord over' everyone he met. Like what happened with Mu and Onoki when they went to meet with Hashirama for a treaty only for Madara to try and jew them.


imagine having the entire ninetails clad in Susanoo and getting BTFO by some wood

Except this was only towards other countries, which automatically means that Leaf in general could not give less shit about that, and we never saw him being a cunt towards his own citizens

Madara wanted to unite the world under one banner (shown during that same scene), which he and Hashirama definitely had the power to do. Would have prevented 4 world wars.

He had audiences with Madara to tell him fine stories

You have Tobirama being confronted by the events and he doesn't protest to anything. Obito was misinformed.

>Edo tensei'd to get btfo by fucking HIRUZEN
Senjews were supposed to be strong, huh?
>inb4 i-it was not a perfected j-jutsu