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Defend this shit fatefags

Looks cool

There's nothing to defend. Japanese teachers are just this strong irl too

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nothing wrong with the scene, what are you on?

It's almost as if magic from the Age of the Gods applied expertly for the purpose is enough to slap around some bitch with a sword.

>Everyone: lol kuzuki beat up king arthur

>No one: Wow, Caster must be a really great sorceress to power up some random asshole to be able to beat a top class Heroic Spirit, even in an underpowered form

isn't it sad,colchisette?

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An underpowered/mana-deprived heroic spirit getting whomped by an assassin, not a random asshole, remember.

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>saber constantly hyped up to be the strongest of the servants
what did they mean by this?

Kuzuki can't be that strong by Type Moon standards, he doesn't even use Baji Quan

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Man, Butcher really loves the whole catching blade with the knee and elbow block thing. He did it again in TF. I'm surprised nobody got Butcher to just do a full on wuxia anime and that he had to turn to puppets to do it.

An incredibly-skilled, and powerful assassin who comes from the same organization as the dude who dropped a Phantasmal Beast in 0.3 seconds with two well-timed punches at that who also caught Saber offguard as she wasn't expecting him to actually be able to put up a decent fight to begin with and ended up writing him off, and took advantage of those circumstances to overwhelm her with the combined amplification of magic from the age of gods and an unorthodox fighting-style artoria had no way of knowing how to deal with. I don't know why brainlets keep ignoring the actual context and details of that scene just to meme when it just makes them look retarded for not being able to follow basic story shit.

Ok buddy

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Urobuchi didn't write UBW .

>Saber is an underpowered servant from Shirou being her master
>Kuzuki is already a serial killer, knows his way around a fight
>Powered up with magic from the age of gods


Theres nothing to defend, the dude is a human operating at literal Peak Performance, plus being buffed with literal age of gods magecraft.
Meanwhile Seiba is nerfed because Shirou can't feed her mana properly.
That's enough for him to be able to land some blows when she doesn't know what she's dealing with.

Also keep in mind that ufotable kinda sorta inflated the power used by the servants, in the vn - yeah, they're 10-50x human ability, depending on grade - but they ain't breaking sound barriers and making sonic booms every five seconds. That kinda makes the instances where people up against them with a degree of success more confusing.

Lancer is fed mana from Kotomine, he should have been DOMINATING Saber like there's no tomorrow, and yet, saber was pushing him back.

Just accept the fact that writing is shit and power is inconsistent as hell. Heck, the enemies just decide to let the MC go SEVERAL TIMES, because the faggot writer couldn't think of a good way for them to survive.

*cough cough*

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is this bait? kotomine used command spells on lancer and forced him to go scout out opponents and not fight them fully

He's pretty tough. His primary weakness is that as an otherwise normal human, he lacks the raw speed and power to fight a Servant. His other weakness is that more than anyone else, he desperately needs to win on the first bout. He's a one-trick pony and a proper Servant only needs to see his trick once to figure it out.

>pretty much invincible by modern standards
>never lost a fight
>even getting his heart torn out doesn't kill him
>some kid actually manages to do just that
>even though it accomplished absolutely nothing physicslly, the experienced traumatized him so badly that it straight up nerfed him to the point where Touko deems him useless now

Literally the most pathetic boss/sub-boss character in all of Type-Moon.

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Which in itself is stupid. But even holding back, lancer should be able to beat the living shit out of weakened saber.
Let's not forget he used Gae Bolg. That goes against the commandment, doesn't it?

And I notice you don't deny the "you can go, I'll kill you antoher time" BS.

Why does Saber job so much?

>Why can a full blown adult defeat a 12 year old girl?! EXPLAIN THIS FATEFAGS!

She's older than 12

Because its:
1. FATE, its a running theme to job the stronger you are
2. She is a King, which means she is used to have a entire arsenal and a large retinue of murderhobos/knights fighting alongside her
3. She spent most of her career with a magical sheat which meant that wounds do nothing, and she can just tank them.. Just like in the legends.

She is also nerfed badly in Fujuki, since as a living person she has INSANE mana regen. As a servant she is basically completely starved, and has to blow entire command seals to even replicate feats she did alive using Prana Burst.

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Everyone jobs.

>Fate: Died to Berserker
>UBW: Lost to Lancer
>HF: Died to the shadow

>Fate: Died to Gilgamesh
>UBW: Died to a Command Spell
>HF: Died to True Assassin

>Fate: Died to Saber
>UBW: Died to Kuzuki
>HF: Needed to be bailed out by Shirou

>Fate: Died to Gilgamesh
>UBW: Died to Archer
>HF: Died to Zouken

>Fate: Faded away
>UBW: Died to Saber
>HF: Died to Zouken fuckery

>Fate: Died to Saber and Shirou
>UBW: Died to Gilgamesh
>HF: Lost to Saber Alter and died to Shirou

>Fate: Died to Saber
>UBW: Lost to Shirou, died to the Grail
>HF: Died to Sakura

Not him, but Artoria when initially summoned while not at her pique is still an absurdly powerful Servant and her swordsmanship is unparalleled in the Fuyuki HGW. Remember Lancer had to actually try slightly against Archer when he was being forced to hold back by CS, and while still under the affects of that, he was fighting Saber who absolutely wrecks Archer in terms of swordplay even at her weakest that it's not even a proper fight between the two. Lancer, especially a subdued one, is not going to beat the ever living shit out of Saber at least at that point. If he took her later on? Probably.
>Let's not forget he used Gae Bolg. That goes against the commandment, doesn't it?
Yeah, but that CS also applied during the fight with earlier Archer and he also was about to use Gae Bolg there until Shirou distracted him. It's extremely likely that it's similar to the Command Spell Rin used on Archer earlier and it's effects were weakened due the broadness of the order of scout out but don't kill your opponent likely influenced the strength of that command making it, again similar to Archer's case with Rin's first CS, more a sort of slight compulsion to follow the order and less actually overriding his complete will to ensure that action is done. Which may have been the point of that initial order to begin with when this situation came into play.
>"you can go, I'll kill you antoher time" BS
I'll have to re-read the VN again for the other cases but if this is about the fight with Lancer, this is again on Kotomine being cautious after Lancer outed his identity by using Gae Bolg along with the fact Archer was closing in on the area fast. Pretty logical reasons for him to have to leave.

>Everyone jobs.
Wrong. Rin, Sakura and Shirou don't.