I have a crush on Shigure

i have a crush on Shigure

what do I do now Yas Forums?

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cut your penis off

Dumb cat
i miss it so much

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Wait, that's a cat?

Be proud, you chose to have a crush on the girl from the only good japanese isekai

I thought she was a fox

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that tail looks more like wolf's honestly, but I can see it
definitely didn't think cat though

>Shigure is a slender wolfgirl with grey hair and light blue eyes. She has wolf ears and tail. In many occasions, Shigure wears a blue skirt, white warm clothes and a scarf-like cape.

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A cat so dumb she think's she's a wolf.
She looks so huggable without her shrug. Want to touch softness.

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Cute cat!


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the only wolfgirl I would not body slam

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>Genzo I loves animals, yet Shigure hates it
>still calls him Master
cool logic

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thats our hero

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picked up


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Princess was my favorite

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>choosing Jew
>when Princess exists
>when baka Vampire exists
>when cunny dragon loli exists
Shoot yourself for having shit taste.

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>choosing Jew
wait what now?

Vampire is for smiting
Dragon will eat you out of house
Princess is an idiot pervert
Clearly Cat is the best girl

She loves money

Don't come crying to me when Jew Cat divorces you a day after your marriage and takes all your money.

I'll mating press the princess while she's tied up and live in her castle meanwhile.

start feeling proud of yourself

Dudes the roles go as:
1) Vampire
2) Wolfgirl
3) Princess
4) Dragon Loli

desu it p is kind of hard to choose between dragon and princess. they’re so adorkable.

>Shigure will never pimp you out for food money

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