Heh... I was holding back time for me to use my real power

>heh... I was holding back time for me to use my real power
Why is this so common in anime

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so fights can be longer

dumb shonen trope

You never reveal your best hand right at the beginning, that's like the basics of war and games. If you can get by without using your full strength, do so.

>You never reveal your best hand right at the beginning
that's dumb

Because people like it

This makes sense in real life not so much in an anime where people have insta kill hax powers

>I'm not left handed

>guess I'll start using my other hand now

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if there are more people watching then no, you don't want your best move or your true power to be revealed to any potential enemy

>I forgot to put in my batteries

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In Shunsui's case at least, it makes sense since his Bankai has massive uncontrollable AoE. What doesn't make sense is someone like Urahara not using his Bankai when fighting Aizen considering we know its powers now.

Ikki then proceeds to go "I was thinking you were just playing around"

What? No. In a fight you use your best from the get go.

Suspense+dragging out fights across more chapters so the author has more time to plan the next ones

>In Shunsui's case at least, it makes sense since his Bankai has massive uncontrollable AoE
Wouldn't that be the perfect thing to use on aizen?

You fucking retards are exactly the sort of fodder who gets killed offscreen.

Yeah, let's just all drop our nukes on every engagement right from the start.

It would have killed his allies too but well Yamamoto was willing to do so as a last resort

Lmao you retards will be the first to die

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Just send shunsui alone mission accomplished

>I guess I’ll have to use...”that”
What is “that”?

Not necessarily, if by chance my special something is very hard to land I would obviously have to wait for the best moment to land it.

Pot of Greed

Who are you quoting?

>Be MC
>Use the only technique you know from the start
>It’s also your ace in the hole
Nah, you’re the fodder.

>use your best from the get go
>risk the enemy surviving it and telling everyone about your super awesome ultimate attack and how shit it was

It's mostly an aspect of the weekly manga format, which needs easy hooks and bookends to go at the end of each chapter. It probably wouldn't be as common in action shonen.
This meta influence is also the reason KnY is full of tragic backstories, since they're basically an easy way to devote a chapter to one story that is then started and finished in 16-17 pages.

In general, you'll notice it way more in marathons or TV adaptations since you can track every scene/fight ends up having nearly the same sort of cadence or rhythm that matches the duration of a chapter.

>Fight like an MC
>You’ll die
What? You’re an idiot.

> I was holding back time for me to use my real power
maybe because it's common sense to not go maniac with the power just because you have it and use it when you need to use it.

>Someone robs you with a knife
>Instead of shooting him with your gun you try to do some karate moves you saw in an anime 15 years ago
>Die like a tard because you didn't pull your gun.

Bleach was the absolute worst about this, especially later chapters. Like every fight was determined by which character had a greater number of asspulls, just pulling new abilities or forms out of their ass to tilt the entire momentum of the fight one way and then the other, until one of them pulls the final ultimate asspull to end all asspulls.

If your best move is just a handgun and you can't even defeat fodder with a single karate chop then I don't know what to tell you. Fucking retard.