Is Haikyuu legitimately the best sports anime of all time?

Is Haikyuu legitimately the best sports anime of all time?

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Women tend to have better taste than men so I guess it really is the best sports shonen

Not the best but is actually pretty decent desu

Ippo is better

No but it's surprisingly good

GUP and Ping Pong are the only good sport anime.

Fuck off retarded fujo
HQ is boring and overrated as hell

It’s not bad, has a pretty good OST


I don't think it does anything new than other sports anime but the execution is really great. Definitely one of the better ones

Anime? Sure. But manga is where it's at

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nah Slam Dunk and Real

Until Blue Lock gets adapted, perhaps.

I hear that anime is very gay.

Ping pong and run with the wind are better. Both stay strong start to finish, haikyuu randomly decides to do a timeskip that jumps the shark and instantly ruins a great series.

Honestly this, was really hoping that after the tournament we'd get a focus on an entirely new team as we had seen the full development of Karusuno by that point

Your headcanons didn’t come true. That’s Haikyuu’s problem why...?

I feel like you’re baiting people into shitting on the series but it’s definitely one of the better sports series. I don’t know about BEST but top 5 for sure, both the anime and manga are really well done.


I'm not saying that needed to happen, but the current Arc feels like there have been developments for characters while we only seen anything significant for one of them extra time of development for other characters could have made this Arc more resonant

Idk, I liked it though.

Better than what? Not many volleyball spokon out there to compare to but it's not hard to make something better than it either.
Characterization is far inferior to DnA. Even Eyeshield has more hype.
Manga art is terrible, it only hooks the fujos thanks to the anime with fuckboi artstyle.

The first set out of 5 just finished. We’re already making progress on the second character so you just need to be patient imo

Nothing to do with headcanon. Regardless of what even happens in the narrative they should cover it at least to the end of the tournament.

Daiya is garbage. I’ll give you Eyeshield though.

the first one that grabbed my attention to make me watch. The slice of life moments makes it very comfy, and I appreciate the fairly sensible character designs.

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The kino moment with pic related in s3 is what really sold it for me. It’s not my no.1 favorite sports series but it’s definitely come close with that match. I heard the match in the next cour is even better so I have high expectations

I dropped it for some reason before they got to Nationals, I should catch up

Almost, but not quite.

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Don’t set it too high. It’s very good but I still prefer the Shiratorizawa match by far.

>Run with the Wind
This one genuinely surprised me. I enjoyed it a lot.

It just felt like a running Haikyū. Same soundtrack, same feel
Heck, even the MC looked like one of the Haikyū characters.

Ippo is better but it's pretty damn good