Koisuru Asteroid

Do they clean the baths after teenagers have been squirting in them?

Attached: Koisuru Asteroid - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.26_[2020.01.11_11.52.19].jpg (1920x1080, 827.83K)

Post Shamiko.

Why would they?

It's called "pissing".

Remember when faggot said it was shit and you shouldn't watch it?

That's what most people said at the time

It's what most people still say.

It's different, faglord.

It's literally piss.
Show me the organ that produces this "squirt".

The scale of shittaste at play here is just too immense for me to comprehend.


Skene's gland.

Your move.

I really don't get how people can hate a quaint cute girls show like this one. I find most of these types of shows to be obnoxious, but this one really did it for me.

They hate fun.

I have and WILL continue to pay money to drink cute girls squirting/pics. I don't fucking care if they are the same. In fact it is hotter if they are both piss. Fuck you.

Imagine you're a cake OL and after a long day of work you just want to go to the bathes and relax a bit. How would you feel knowing that some teenage girl has been in there flicking her bean and squirting everywhere?

Attached: Koisuru Asteroid - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.25_[2020.01.11_11.52.18].jpg (1920x1080, 832K)

>How would you feel knowing that some teenage girl has been in there flicking her bean and squirting everywhere?

depends. is she 2D?

>How would you feel knowing that some teenage girl has been in there flicking her bean and squirting everywhere?

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Why did the anime skip this?

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Now that I think about it the one thing lacking in this series was fanservice, it was pretty mild the rare times it happened.

KA is a kinda different flavor of the same genre, it actually had a story, a development and character progression, NOW, I'm not saying this is inherently bad or good, is just rather different from the usual formula where everything is about the cute girls doing cute things, in any case the only thing I cannot accept people saying about the show is that "it didn't focused on astronomy that much", it actually did, a lot, and was a pretty accurate depiction of how it is while still making it be fun, if anything the show left me wanting more, I hope we at least get an OVA or maybe a S2.

There are other times in the manga that had fanservice?

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cunt snot isn't squirting. that's part of normal lubrication and discharge.

I was talking about the anime, I haven't read the manga, is it even translated?

Define squirt.

Common meaning or real? In porn and common usage it's always just piss. "real" would be more like a gush from lots of cunt snot production.

B-but I was told women lose control of their bladder when they cum. H-have you watched hentai, virgin incel? It happens all the time.

You sure are stupid.

that's exactly what i said. cunt snot. thats not whats in porn though where it squirts out. thats piss.

have sex

no thats gross