Princess connect

Kokkoro is too good for this world. Too pure.

Attached: priconne kokkoro squirm cute.webm (726x860, 641.13K)

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Which girl you like without knowing anything about ??

I like green haired ghost girl from the op


Are doujins of this a bunch of girls taking advantage of a retarded guy?

Attached: Screenshot_121.jpg (987x836, 142.05K)

But, why does she sit like that?

Attached: doragon.png (708x442, 360.19K)

i love this dork

>konosuba vibes (same director)
>cute girls
>this little qt
fuck i dont wanna watch it but i might.

Just watch the 1st episode, second episode wasn’t that great. Only good characters were the two brothers.

i wish i had brain damage and a harem to take care of me

>when mommy takes such good care of you until one day when you're so big and strong that you properly repay her

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i want a nursing handjob from kokkoro

I think Shadowverse anime was better than this
fuck fantasy

Why does she sit like that?

Even though the Shadowverse anime is obviously an ad to attract new players, I feel like it's not even worth looking at if you don't like the name and enjoy seeing the cards.

kokkoro is a good wife

Attached: 100068786.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

Why is the town named "Randoseru"?

Best girls.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Princess Connect! Re Dive - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.26_[2020.04.14_21.04.41].jpg (1280x720, 568.59K)

They deserve a second chance

Attached: 1586911677705.jpg (1548x677, 204.28K)

Hiyori swimsuit looks cute until you see the lower part which is extremely lewd

Book 3 anytime now.

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x1787, 273.94K)

It failed for a reason.

WTF, the game isn't translated in English. How the hell am I supposed to play it now?

Is hating the cat tongue-in-cheek, or is there a good reason you guys say what you do about her?

For Oldman only!

Attached: kokkoro and oldman.png (387x275, 158.97K)

you don't

Attached: 1556568169128.jpg (229x173, 9.01K)


Epstein, I thought you died


What is this about
And why does the cat looks like her butt hurts

Attached: EVqU9HAUMAYmAm7.jpg (795x1485, 83.01K)

the way some manga artists exaggerate the tongue motion in that pulled out french kiss position turns me off when I'm not aroused, but really trips my trigger once I get worked up
disgust and arousal are a strange bedfellows