Imagine being weaker than Rikka

Imagine being weaker than Rikka.

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Imagine being cucked by Rikka.

Luck is the one stat that matters anyway.

Imagine having a femdom fetish.

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Akane's wife is so strong.

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God I wish that were me.


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>Rikka x Akane
Trash ship, old and busted. And they're the same person, anyway.

Michiru x Nazuna is the new hotness.

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I understand there’s raging femdomfags but every once in a while it’s aok to be gently dominated

Blessed Yuta

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I'm imagining it and now I have a boner

>Akane's wife with Yuta
Nice and platonic.

Not by Rikka she's going to cuck you at the first given opportunity. Rikka is for maledom and rough sex.

Hey mom, look, mass quote before you-know-who.

dumb crakposter

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I wish I were this lucky

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>Not by Rikka she's going to cuck you at the first given opportunity
Yes, and?


I like to imagine RIkka's big ass smothering my lap and cortch

Yuta is a fortunate lad

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Only part of hers I’m weaker than is that ass.

Yea. He gets to be Rikka's best man at her and Akane's wedding.

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For me, it's Utsurikka.

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Akane, pls

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imagine the smell

>Rikka is for maledom and rough sex.
Absolutely, certifiably, undeniably, 100% based. Rikka is not for sensual love making. Not without mind braking her first, at least.

>Posts Gridman