>EU guns are loved in anime and manga
>EU swords are shat on
Why do japs do this?
>EU guns are loved in anime and manga
>EU swords are shat on
Why do japs do this?
The fuck are EU guns and swords?
Those are JAP guns you ignorant fool
>EU guns
Walther, HK, CZ, Beretta, etc
>EU swords
Basically any medieval sword from Europe. Think zweihänders, grosse messers, hand-and-a-half swords, etc.
because japanese swords not only were, but still are, unmatched for craftsmanship and deadliness. truly marvelous weapons
Just say european swords, EU implies european union or extented universe.
It's weird because Japan had guns before us.
>grosse messers
please don't tell me that's an actual term
The fuck no they didn't. In fact the oldest records of nips meeting Europeans are Portugese sailers trying to sell them guns.
It is.
Fun fact, they were made when the German knifemaker guilds wanted to cash in on the war market, and had to dab on the monopoly of the swordmaker guilds.
What? No they didn't.
I see
I asked because grosse messers looks and sounds utterly ridiculous when German is your fl
It's a big knife, what else would you call it?
Für dich
(Also checked)
EU is an diplomatic and financial union of some but not all european countries.
Europe is a continent you dumb mouthbreather
some edgy shit like Vernichter or Auslöscher probably
messers only looks ridiculous because of the plural s btw, that isn't added in German
Katanas are shit at least pick a decent Japanese weapon.
There's no authority for which you base your comment aside from your own fantasies. The katana is the most finely crafted melee weapon in human history
I can’t be bothered to do your googling for you bud.
You’re dumb as hell if you think Japanese weapons or armor during the medieval period surpassed European arms and armor in quality.
Could this happen in real life?
I wont be needing to google anything as I have already done extensive research into the subject beyond any reddit articles you might be familiar with
And I never mentioned armor once, nor did I mention japanese weapons in general, I'm speaking only about katanas, the most finely crafted weapons ever made by human hands
No even if it was cutting through a dull blade. But that shit show is all power fantasy anyway
>using EU as in European
Do Americans really do this?
Katana’s weren’t even the primary weapons of samurai.
I know this bait but i come from /k/ so you’re triggering my autism.
No, we say Europoor or faggots.
go back to your high school zoom classes dear editor:)
If only autism and baseless "figurin'" were a match for decades of research and knowledge on a subject. Once again I never mentioned samurai, nor did I mention their "primary weapons", nor "european armor" nor "japanese armor" nor any other irrelevant thing your 'autism' brings to mind, I'm simply stating the unassailable fact that katanas are the best weapons ever made. Twist and writhe all you want under your baseless unresearched opinion but it will never make my statement false
i know it´s japan but sword is such a basic bitch weapon anyway
there are way crueler and malelovent weapons out there which are way harder to master than any katana
and are more powerfull than any gun.
The heat from the longsword cooks the raw katana.
no, stupid europoor
>Walther, HK, CZ, Beretta, etc
All derivatives of US guns. Try again.
>All derivatives of US guns
lmao do you actually believe this?
Okay. Mateba.
Checkmate, faggot.
>The swordsmiths will carefully break the kera apart, and separate the various carbon steels. The lowest carbon steel is called hocho-tetsu (soft iron), which is used for the shingane (translated as "core-steel") of the blade. The high carbon steel (tamahagane) and higher carbon pig iron, called nabe-gane, will then be forged in alternating layers, using very intricate methods to form the very hard steel for the edge, called hagane (edge steel), and the springy metal jacket, called kawagane (skin steel).
>The most useful process is the folding, where the metals are forge welded, folded, and welded again, as many as 1600 times. The folding removes impurities and helps even out the carbon content, while the alternating layers combine hardness with ductility to greatly enhance the toughness.
>Currently, tamahagane is only made three or four times a year by Nittoho and Hitachi Metals during winter in a wood building and is only sold to the master swordsmiths to use once it is made.