Episode #3 "And to the Digital World" (airing 19/4) preview: youtu.be/kLkV1auPVM8
Episode #3 synopsis (Screenplay - Atsuhiro Tomioka / Lead Animators - Hiroshima Mitsuka/Kitano): >The USA military's tactical network is invaded by a Digimon and the military system goes haywire. Taichi and his team fight desperately to stop the missiles, but the more they take down the enemy Digimon, the more it evolves. Then missiles are launched at Tokyo. The enemy Digimon shoots out balls of light that directly hit Greymon and Garurumon, when a giant white Digimon appears...?!
Future episode synopses: >26/4: #4 "Birdramon Takes Flight" (SP - Kenichi Yamashita / LA - Yashima Sasaki/Masahiro Naoi) >Blackouts occur throughout the city. Taichi and Koushiro Izumi, who knows a lot about the internet, worry that something has happened in the Digital World where Agumon and the others are. Koushiro estimates that if the blackout continues for more than 72 hours, it will paralyze all of Tokyo's municipal functions. "We're the only ones who can do something about this!" so the kids head once more to the Digital World. But the world they came upon looked vastly different from how they'd seen it before. Also, Taichi thought that he had reached the Digital World with Koushiro, but who came with him instead was Taichi's childhood friend, Sora Takenouchi.
>3/5: #5: "Holy Digimon" (SP - Atsuhiro Tomioka / LA - Gallop [Kenji Seto, Kimiharu Mutou]/Yuuko Ebara) >The deadline for Tokyo's municipal functions cessation is approaching. Taichi, Agumon, and Sora search for a solution and aim for the "temple" that was written on a lithograph in the Digital World. Meanwhile, Koushiro, who arrived in a different part of the Digital World, communicates with Taichi while gathering information with a Digimon that he met there, Tentomon. But then Koushiro and Tentomon are swallowed up by a mysterious giant Digimon...?!
I called it, and even surpassed my prediction to levels I've never been able of calling somehing before, Omegamon appeared before the 10% of the show, fucking kek.
I have 13 episodes left of original 02. The last six I watched... good God they were terrible.
Iori and Takeru having a forced relationship to obtain Shakkoumon was weak. Archnemon and Mummymon's general idiocy is now annoying. BWG destroying the Holy Stones and the kids being unable to do anything reminded me of Frontier's woeful RK arc. The Qinglongmon plot dump in episode 37 felt like the writers covering their backs for not explaining things, and even then it felt shit.
Christmas and the World Tour to "look forward" to tomorrow before I get into the closing stages.
Colton Torres
Is it me or are these threads turning into a general? All the Digimon Adventure threads I've seen so far have the same OP format, which makes it look like a general. No other series on Yas Forums right now seems to do that.
Isaac Brown
>Iori and Takeru I still dont get why he didnt fuse with hikari
Blake Perez
Jaxson Lopez
It's made even worse when Miyako and Hikari's Jogress development is setup and resolved in one episode. Iori and Takeru just drags on and on and on...
Adam Morgan
King Etemon
Robert Wilson
Since we didn't have one last thread, despite getting an amazing contribution, let's try it now.
Get yourself your very own Digimon Partner! You can then invent their evolutionary line by picking appropriate Digimon for each stage (don't need to be canon, as long as they make sense). You can top it off by posting your partner's evolution song, if you want. Rate others' partners, these can take effort and ingenuity to make.
Christmas is one of the good episodes. It's very cute until the plot comes knocking. I agree that the Iori/Takeru and Miyako/Hikari Jogresses are so bad. None of the four characters have any actual chemistry with any of the other four, where Diasuke and Ken clearly have a strong relationship after their Jogress. The other pairs don't ever get there.
Dylan Allen
Not the same user, but going by the fact that Kaisergreymon is born from the union of the human and beast spirits of 5 warriors, and human + beast spirit gives a digimon with the original power of the respective ancient digimon (in the respective universe), then I wouldn't be so surprised if Kaiser is confirmed to be as powerful or even more powerful than those 5 ancient ultimates fighting toguether. I mean, is a fusion, and fusions in digimon are pretty OP respect to their predecessors (excluding Xros Wars were a new xross jumped from OP to garbage in a short span of time). I know Kaiser isn't declared as super ultimate, but user's right when comparing Kaiser to Aldamon in the same sense you'd compare Armageddemon to Diaboromon. Even in Frontier this is showed as the hyper spirit warriors were able to fight with the RKs, and right before Alda and Beowolfmon got their asses handed to one of them, and by their own attacks. Obviously Susanoo is in another league.
Thomas Wright
>iori and takeru >miyako and hikari What were they even thinking?
Ardhamon is Ultimate-class. KaiserGreymon is upper-tier Ultimate-class. Susanoomon is Omegmaon-class.
Jordan Evans
>"let's throw the girls together even though one of them has a previous significant plot relevant relationship in the show with one of the remaining boys" >"oh fuck what do we do now" >"uhh...."
This is my best guess.
Thomas Bennett
I fucking wish. The whole Iori/Takeru and Miyako/Hikari jogresses was shit.
The lore is a bit all over the place. KaiserGreymon's description says "A Transcendent-species Digimon that possesses power over Flame which is said to have surpassed even the might of the legendary Ten Warriors."
This implies he's stronger than AncientGreymon, which makes sense - KaiserGreymon is born out of ten different spirits, where AncientGreymon had 2. However, this isn't so clear cut. For one, KaiserGreymon evolves into AncientGreymon. Also, WarGreymon's description says it's the ultimate form of Greymon-species, implying it's the strongest form of Greymon (perhaps discarding ShineGreymon Burst Mode). Anyway, WarGreymon is merely Ultimate, so is KaiserGreymon more powerful? If not, it probably can't be Super Ultimate.
But yeah, KaiserGreymon IS more powerful than Aldamon, Vritramon is Perfect level, and Aldamon is generally accepted to be at Ultimate level.
Thomas Nelson
The relationship between Hikari and Takeru is built entirely around Takeru trying to get closer to Takeru and Hikari keeping him at arm's length.
Bentley Gray
>Christmas is one of the good episodes. It's very cute until the plot comes knocking. I'll finally be able to watch that scene in the way it was intended. I've never cared about Taichi/Yamato/Sora anyway. I don't particularly enjoy them as characters.
>I agree that the Iori/Takeru and Miyako/Hikari Jogresses are so bad. None of the four characters have any actual chemistry with any of the other four, where Diasuke and Ken clearly have a strong relationship after their Jogress. The other pairs don't ever get there. The Iori and MIyako Jogresses aren't helped by the pair having adaptable personalities. By that I mean their personalities are changed for the episode. Daisuke suffers from this as well BUT his persistence with believing in Ken being a good boy is kept throughout.
And even that is more suitable for a Jogress than the other two pairings. That's how badly fitting the Silphymon and Shakkoumon evolutions are.
Yes and no, Susanoo is Omegamon RK tier, but no the tier of the Omegamon that fought Armageddemon, that Omegamon was so weak that I think the RKs of frontier would've able to finish Armageddemon more easily than him.
Brandon Smith
Uhh? You mean Takeru trying to get closer to Hikari? Where the fuck are you getting that idea from? There's literally nothing in either series showing anything between the two except some "oh yeah, you were a Chosen Child too, we could be friends I guess".
Jacob Clark
Daniel Hill
Is still better than Iori/Takeru and Miyako/Hikari.
Logan Baker
>Uhh? You mean Takeru trying to get closer to Hikari? Where the fuck are you getting that idea from? Shipper logic. This scene doesn't help on that front.
It's clear he means Hikari needs to stop relying on her brother and be her own person, but shipper logic twists it into him getting friendzoned.
Angemonfags, your boy is shit. He needed to take in everybody's power for Devimon and Piemon was so shell shocked by the fact that someone actually thought about blocking Clown Trick that he let HolyAngemon knock him off a cliff. Nothing ever indicated that either form was all that strong.
Carson Murphy
Yamato didn’t seem to know the place in Tokyo Taichi mentioned, meaning he could be from somewhere else? Just like the movie.
And I'm talking about the Susanoo of frontier, the one of the profile sounds f*cking OP, at the point of being called "the strongest destructive god and the god which governs over regeneration.", so we can't just say that Susanoo of the reference book is Omega RK tier, I would say he's a bit superior. I know, and the part that says wargreymon is the ultimate form of the greymon species makes me laugh every time, I think that Zekegreymon is more stronger than him because he's armored in golden digizoid. I took Kaisergreymon as, if you want the real deal, you must fuse the 5 legendary warriors required, but if you don't want to do that, you can just obtain someone weaker by evolving Ardhamon or Ancientgreymon. Obviously fusion of five > evolution of one, if we thought about it logically.