Kaguya-sama season 2 anime

>survived through the pandemic and managed to aired on time with no delay.
>season 2 episode 1 turns out to be better than overall Kaguya season 1.
>Kaguya anime season 2 topped everywhere, even beating overhyped series like tower of god.

how A1 and Hatakeyama do it Yas Forums ?

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Ngl this might be too based

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Bilibili stat

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S1 also climbing up to rank number 6,
Overall kaguya season 1 has 160 million views on bilibili.

Kaguya S2 also topped on MAL, anilist, and even on fucking fagbook poll.

How can they do it? This series literally not a shounen battle series

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the fuck is that list

Views I think.

The animation wasn't great.

There's no competition. Imagine if rezero, sao and oregairu didn't get delayed

best anime. the creation of social conflict of two very smart people in love makes the whole thing just amazing.

>beating Cygames anime
Actually based.

>redditguya: love is cringe

Can you guys imagine crossover with Fujiwara and Zero two?

>make them go in the same school together
> Fujiwara meets Zero two and is intrigued with her way of doing anything she wants without getting in trouble.
> Meets best presi and Kaguya
> Zero2 tells presi she wants him to be her darling
> Kaguya hears that and is in a huge conflict with zero2
> Fujiwara doesn´t know how to make her two best friends be cool with each other

yes im cringy

Attached: fujiwara and zero two.png (316x364, 287.64K)

> 5tou/v/un anime = GARBAGE
> mafuyuben anime = HOT GARBAGE
> Kaguya anime = solid
aka wins again

Rent free

>5toubun: A tier seiyuus, but utterly shitty studio
>bokuben: noname seiyuus and utterly shitty studio
>Kaguya: noname seiyuus, but A tier studio
The romcom that will get both A tier seiyuus and A tier studio will rule Yas Forums


It'll get 3 episodes at most before this one gets delayed too

To be fair, Kaguya's VA is great despite being rather unknown

I mean you need to start somewhere to become a known seiyuu.

>no name seiyuus
MC is fucking Saitama

Can confirm the list is ranked by views. It's saying Kaguya has had 11,780,000 views so far. The next one on the list, Re:Dive, has had less than half that.

It would be cute
Fujiwara‘s motions where pretty dynamic

>obscure good
>popular bad
The absolute state of your brain

>non gachashit/isekai anime is crushing it
Nice, maybe I should pick it up.

Kaguya's thread should NEVER mention another series in i's OP.
This has always been the case, user. We like to talk about Kaguya and only Kaguya
Do not do that again

Do girls really?

Attached: 1571330715364.webm (1920x1080, 1.93M)

It's worse, moeshit


Yes when they have to pee

user you should really stop eating mens assholes out so you are able to get ride of that shit taste.

>season 2 episode 1 turns out to be better than overall Kaguya season 1.
Nah, S1E1 Bakaguya in the obento part is still the best.

what website is this?

>Established normalfag pandering series is popular in a normalfag industry
Jeez what a mystery.