Which one is your favorite?

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I hate how big they made Lal'c and Mahoro's tits in this episode.
Also Lal'c is best gainax girl.

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Mahoro always dreamed of big boobs.

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Haruko (circa 2000)

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Buster Machine no 7

Rei. Always

My wife of course

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My wife Nono.

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Does she count?

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for me it's gotta be Nono
>tall genki dummycute
>bustah machine but had big enough heart to save Lal'c and everyone else in exchange for her own existence
>never got to see Noriko but it was worth it to lose that chance to save her own onee-sama
I miss her so much ;_;

who else could it be but her?

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Is Nono really this tall?

Her height is 172cm (180cm including ahoge).

Never Knows Best

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Haruko embodies the Gainax spirit to me.

You forgot

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For me, it's Noriko.

Best girl

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It's a shame they had to end the tragic way they did. Because once upon a time Gainax was easily considered the greatest animation company in japan.

The behind the scenes look Anno gave us last year about what the hell was going down at Gainax in the 90’s-early 2000’s is fucking insane
>The reason Gainax couldn’t handle a budget is because the executive board was going full hookers and blow with the production money
Crazy how they went from a bunch of animation nerds to a fucking scorcese movie

They went full Wolf Of Wall Street?

I love her berry much.

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is the flcl sequel series any good?

Thank God Anno, despite the quality of the rebuild movies, at least remains a consumate professional about things.

I liked it. Most people didn't

did it need to exist?

Anno is still a good director, Shin Godzilla was an absolute blast.