>Smart use of foreshadowing
>Natural romance
>Non-stereotyped characters
>But people don't like it because it's gay
Ao no Flag
>people don't like gays
Who knew?
There's faggots in it?
I had it in backlog for years now, thanks for the warning user.
People don't dislike the ending becaise it's gay, people dislike it because all the important things happened offscreen between chapter 53 and 54
I dropped this after a volume or so and the gay shit just felt like a side character's personality trait to me back then. Dodged a bullet I guess.
The ending was gay?
>Ao no fag
>But people don't like it because it's gay
yes, and?
>Taichi is cucked by Futaba's husband
>Futaba is cucked by Touma
>Touma was cucked by Futaba throughout high school
>Masumi is cucked first by Taichi, then by Futaba's husband
more like Ao no cuck
>Questionable use of foreshadowing that can only make sense with mental gymnastic
>Teen drama tier romance
>Non-stereotyped characters
I agree
>But people like it because it's gay
I see more people (read: fujos) changing their mind and praising the manga and the author after the finale.
You can literally make the opposite reasoning and it still works.
>implying Kengan isn’t homo
It's not that it's gay but the fact that the story put a great focus on the hetero romance witht the Futaba, only for the main character to realize he was gay, broke up with her and started fucking the baseball guy off-screen just before the last chapter
>heterofags hated the ending because the MC ended up gay in the last chapter
>homofags hated it because they never got any homo stuff besides they holding hands in the last panel of the last page
>yurifags hated it because the lesbian characewr either realized she wasnt a lesbian all a long or just settled down with a guy that looks exactly the same as Futaba
I've don't think I've ever seen and ending managing to piss so many different groups off
I mean, part of that focus with Futaba was her suspecting the main character would realize he wants to fuck the baseball guy.
>>Questionable use of foreshadowing that can only make sense with mental gymnastic
t. Speedreader.
>I see more people (read: fujos) changing their mind and praising the manga and the author after the finale.
Hey, a lot of us homo still don't like it. Don't think just because it's gay people are going to suck on shit writing.
Low-IQ post
>Natural romance
>all offscreen
lol ok fag
You can stop pretending that it was well foreshadowed.
This is a bait thread anyway, and I'm not interested in having the exact same type of discussion we have had multiple time in previous threads.
Dude, stop sucking up to hetfags who hate you, wtf is wrong with you?
>Dislike shit writing means you suck it up to hetfags
>You can stop pretending that it was well foreshadowed.
Don't be mad because you didn't get it. A lot of people noticed Taichi's behaviors were weird and guess what, we were right.
It's a good manga that rewards people who pay attention. I like it.
People don't like it because its was boring.
That's like the last thing it was
You've been constantly trying to make it seem like '' w-w-we gays ha-hate it too!!!! please don't kk-k-kick me out of the c-c-cool redpilled b-b-bboys c-club, i'm t-tott-tottally on u-ur side!!!!11 ;___; g-gays can be k-c-c-cool too u know!!! ;_; ''
>Natural romance
pick one
>natural romance
Who? Take your pills. I'm just pointing out being a fujo/homo doesn't mean you automatically like it.
Last 10-15 chapters wee definitely dreadful though.
This. Het is a survival strategy in nature, gay is pure love.
>people don't like gays
>Who knew?
Didn't know we have insecure and repressed faggots in this thread.