Analysis: anime will no longer be Japanese

Chinese streaming providers are increasingly hunting for talent among animators in Japan, the land where anime was born but whose own industry has fallen on tough times.

At a small office building in Machida, a residential area outside of downtown Tokyo, several men and women recently were busy drawing what looked like a Shinto shrine gate on tablets using stylus pens. It looks like a typical anime studio in Japan.

But this is Colored Pencil Animation Japan, the local unit of the Chinese studio partly owned by China Literature, a Tencent Holdings group member. Set up in 2018, Colored Pencil Animation Japan has worked on Chinese anime projects including "The King's Avatar" series and other videos.

What sets Colored Pencil apart from other studios in Japan is that the Chinese-owned company hires animators as employees, paying about 175,000 yen ($1,580) a month for those fresh out of school -- above the industry average. It also offers an employee-friendly work environment with a flextime arrangement.

More than half of animators in Japan are freelancers. Just 14% of them work as full-timers, a 2019 survey by the Japanese Animation Creators Association found.

Tencent and other streaming platform giants have raced to bolster their libraries since the purchase of Japanese anime was discouraged in 2018 under Beijing's foreign online content restrictions. As they now seek to produce high-quality anime domestically, Colored Pencil's Chinese parent offers competitive pay and benefits to capture talented artists in Japan.

"More Chinese companies will follow suit," predicted Daisuke Iijima, an anime industry researcher at Teikoku Databank.

Chinese players are not the only ones coveting Japan's anime talent. U.S. heavyweight Netflix signed a comprehensive multiyear tie-up with Tokyo-based Production I.G. in 2018 to create original works.

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Netflix sometimes provides production budgets with triple the average spending in Japan, said Mitsuhisa Ishikawa, president of Production I.G.

The emergence of cash-rich foreign companies is a godsend for Japanese studios.

Though Japan reportedly is home to nearly 260 production studios, Teikoku Databank said that over 30% of anime entities operated in the red during 2018, the highest rate in 10 years. Bankruptcies and liquidations in the industry hit all-time highs that year as well.

"Contract rates continue to fall, and the tight labor market prevents companies from expanding operations, creating a vicious cycle," said an executive at a studio. "Many companies are on a tightrope: If they lose even one staffer, they wouldn't be able to take on new work and [would] sink into the red."

The harsh environment hinders industry growth.

"We have no office, so we work from home and company employees come pick up our drawings," said a freelance key frame artist. "We feel isolated, and many people just call it quits because pay isn't enough to keep you afloat."

The artist, a man in his 40s, described the pinch facing the industry.

"Even though people demand more sophisticated artwork than ever today, the rates have stayed the same at several hundred yen a piece," he said.

Concerns are growing that the lack of a structure for developing talent will leave a dearth of skilled artists.

When Colored Pencil in Japan once outsourced drawing work to a local studio, its Chinese parent angrily sent it back, complaining that the quality was not fit for streaming.


corona was a mistake

"The poor treatment of workers in Japan could result in an industry slump," warned Bunjiro Eguchi, CEO of Colored Pencil in Japan.

The CEO noted how the tables have turned in the industry.

"Now that cash-rich companies in China have bought digital drawing facilities, the quality of Chinese anime has improved significantly," Eguchi said. "Chinese studios used to serve as subcontractors for Japanese companies, but our positions have been reversed."

Get fucked, manchild. Adults are talking.

And apparently you are not among them.

Is Yas Forums finally completely becoming Yas Forums?

Yeah no shit, the talent goes where the money is and in this case they don't even have to live there, which is definitely the worst part.

Nanking didn’t happen but it should have.

>Though Japan reportedly is home to nearly 260 production studios, Teikoku Databank said that over 30% of anime entities operated in the red during 2018, the highest rate in 10 years. Bankruptcies and liquidations in the industry hit all-time highs that year as well.
That's a pretty oversaturated domestic market

Imagine being such a low IQ mongoloid you can't contribute to the discussion in any other way than dog-whistling your favourite boogeyman. Meanwhile, foreign money are actively flowing into the industry and re-shaping it into something the CCP and Hollywood are after.

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Only thing I care about are VAs. Gooks and chinks VAs are horrendous. If anime starts getting chink and gook VAs I'm out.
Also, anime has been outsourced since like forever and I don't really mind them. I just want that comfy cel animation back. I don't care who draws them as long as the quality is good.

>everything i dont like to hear is Yas Forums
Lmao you weabbo faggots are delusional and about to be cucked.

>Commies and niggers
not surprised modern anime is shit

Yas Forums warned but you didn't listen, because you thought you were safe. Guess what, I'll drink every single tear you shed in the coming years if I'm still alive, moeshitters. What's wrong, you're not so smug anymore? Say goodbye to your big tiddies and incestual pedoshit.

fuck off Yas Forumstards

Well, it is to be expected. With the working standards the Japanese have it's no surprise somebody with money can exploit them.

>big tiddies and incestual pedoshit.
aren't they the antithesis of each other?

Incredibly based ,dangerously redppiled.

Chinese embargo when? They are the one who cause Corona

every board is Yas Forums now.
just take a good look at what kind of threads are made. ALL cookiecutter Yas Forums template bullshit.

Yas Forums BTFO

N-no. S-stop it. W-we are in Yas Forums. Y-you can't just post like this in Yas Forums. W-we are community. Someone tell him to stop. Not Yas Forumsbuzzword. Help. Yas Forums bros? Anyone?

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They basically eradicated lolicon content from anime years ago, yet you all kept ignoring that, so now that the things you like about anime are also about to get eradicated, I definitely won't miss it.

Gamergate and gamergaters were mistakes.

Nuke the bug men
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

The day anime falls to these bug men is the day anime fucking dies

Sure you're not the problem here, SJW tranny.

nice try Chang
Communist party of china wont even exist in 20 years, Chink Virus is Chernobyl all over again

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user if you want make wojaks popular in Yas Forums you should spam them as much as possible or edit some anime screencaps into wojaks. Janny doesn't delete them. God bless you.

Remember to import the BDs of anime you like from Japan if you want to do anything about this. It's literally the only way to prevent this.

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>big tiddies
I suggest you came back where you came from, crossboarder-kun. Chinks like moe anime anyway, so I don't see what you're trying to say here.

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Meh, what a waste of thread, nobody wants to discuss this seriously.


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No reddit, not everybody who hates you is a "SJW". Now stop forcing your closeted tranny fetish into every argument.
Your father should have beaten you.


Anime is Japanese by definition. It's literally just Japanese animation that's all it is. If China makes it's Chinese animation.

none of you will be able to tell the difference anyway so telling yourselves you'll give a shit

>Coming to a board of room temperature iq ,manchildren that escape the rality of being incel losers in a universe created by soulles chinks for soulles teenager and kid chinks and expecting to get actual meaningfull political discussion.

Chink streams are censored into oblivion, how can these bugmen watch facial close-ups when there is a little bit of skin reveal is beyond me.

>all those simps

Friendly reminder that if you care about contemporary politics in any shape or form, regardless of left, right, centrist or any other leaning, you are a normalfag and do not belong on this website.

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It's been the age of chinks since the late 2000's
Why do you think pol hate machine shifted their hate for kikes to chinks lately? Literally a psyop.

It's not really that political. Surely chinese investments would mean growth of anime industry in Japan as a whole. Maybe creativity will be endorsed, compared to the current state of anime. I'd expect even some workplace standards improvements over time. But yeah, whatever..

Not really.

>no, I'm totally not an SJW tranny reddit tourist getting butthurt at people noticing the infiltration and subversion plaguing their entertainment, it's just that you... errr... ruined my shitposting general
Can you get anymore dishonest, you soi gurgling leftoid faggot bending over before your corporate overlords as long as they poz up everythingto your liking?

I really don't care who made anime desu. Don't know why Yas Forums is obsessed with who did their shitty games and what's their political views are. And politics is pretty shitty hobby. Your opinion and decisions don't matters because you're one billions. 0.0000000000001%.

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>anything I don't like is Yas Forums

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>he says this while eromanga sensei was one of the most popular anime via streaming in chinkland
back to with you

>Friendly reminder that if you care about contemporary politics in any shape or form, regardless of left, right, centrist or any other leaning, you are a normalfag and do not belong on this website.
Oh no the horror,i am not an uniformed retard that lives in his own little world without a care for anything else,oh no what now?I will be kicked off no mr gatekeeper-san,i want to be special just like you losers.....kek.

>political schizobabble.
Kill yourself.

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>communist china
>creativity will be endorsed
in what world

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the jews did this, they discovered the source of all that is good in the world and what for the throat, first with kyoani and now this

>gooks are taking over anime!!!!
>sjws are taking over anime!!!!!
>bugmen are taking over anime!!
What's next, faggots?

>anime is mainstream
>anime is full of moeshit

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It's amazing how the retards who care about politics think they are somehow informed.
No, you aren't, you have no.impact on anything, and you have no way to have any insight since you're just a nobody.