Why are Japanese Voice actors sound so much better than English ones?

Why are Japanese Voice actors sound so much better than English ones?

pic unrelated

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Because they are specialized. Meanwhile USA takes every random twitter nobody as voice actors now, just to show they have a "pool" to choose from.

Dub is always so jarringly worse without fail

They were until not so long ago when anime was niche in the west with a dozen or so people in the dub industry, but now that it’s grown there are more and more decent or even good dubs out there. Though of course an irredeemably shit dub still appears every now and then. Pic in OP related.

Because they're trained.
Pic related, his nip VA is amazing.

Do english anime voice actors not required to get training?

If they're trained, they're not doing it enough.

A handful of reasons:
1 - you enjoy the Japanese, because you don't actually speak it
2 - Most of the English VAs are literal whos with no real acting experience, and their best bet is to imitate anime mannerisms, which results in an awful performance
3 - Anime mannerisms forced upon VAs. As stated above, this shit doesn't fly in English.

As a counterpoint I can mention old Polish dubs of anime, which were often amazing. Howl's Moving Castle, and most of other Ghibli anime sound fantastic in Polish, mostly because the VAs drop the entire kawaii-uguu shit present in the original, and try to make it something that actually works in the Polish language. They were also done by professional actors, who know their shit. The result is a dub I prefer to the original version.
On the other hand, all recent Netflix Polish anime dubs are abysmal and actually even worse than the English dubs, because we get literal whos voice acting, trying to imitate Japanese VAs.

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Funny you posted Reiner, because his VA is second best in the dub, right next to Matthew Mercer as Levi...

English just naturally sounds uncute and manly. It's effective for stuff like giving rousing speeches but shit at portraying feminine charm.

Is this why Cowboy bebop is so good in the English dub?

Anime is designed for the overexaggerated expressions as is Japanese way of speaking in dramas, while western speech relies on quips and memorable dialogue.

Imagine how fucking terrible a Jap dub of a Tarantino movie would sound.

I don't anything about linguistics, but from a musical perspective, it sounds more melodic. Since almost everything ends on a vowel, it's more lyrical, more akin to singing than normal speech.
Also, English has to pitch words differently to pronounce them, which can lessen the force of sound.
NAN DA TO has the same pitch for all three syllables
WHAT THE HELL has three different pitches for all the syllables.
So screaming the former sounds more forceful than the latter.

English is ugly language.

only to burger who are racist and dont speak another better labguage

you cant compare high class sushi with unhealthy greasy poor burger

cool it with the racism, pal

but its true sushi is better and burger is not originaly american

It a real profession instead of of the US where everyone's too cheap for union actors.

The animation is synched up for Japanese sentence structure, which makes English naturally stilted, which is a large barrier to overcome.

The second is that, as many point out, you don't speak Japanese and haven't grown up listening to it for decades, so you have a much weaker ear for times Japanese sounds "off", as such when anime VA do something which sounds childish and immature to a Japanese person it doesn't to you. Tomino recently complained during the production of G-Reco that all the voice actors sounded the same and they all just sound "like anime characters" so he went out of his way to "re-train" the seiyuu.

stop defending the dub when everybody agree its really bad

I'm talking about a general case, he said pic unrelated after all.

>English just naturally sounds uncute and manly
Bullshit. I believed that for a long time as an ESL because i only knew english from watching media. But then one cartoon actually had a shy cute character, and since it was a cartoon and not an anime dub, the voice actor didn't try to sound like an anime character but instead just a cute regular english person. And you know what, it sounded really cute.
When i saw that, i wondered "why don't they use this kind of voice for anime girls then?"
it's retarded.

But the same is in reverse as well. For some really dumb reason, japanese dub of american cartoons try to sound american-ish, making even the japanese language sound bad.

show and character?

let's say a show i am not allowed to post and a character you will find easily by the description i already gave


uh, almost on entire Yas Forums not allowed to post

Any int voice actor sounds better than english

english anime va dont take this job seriously because they want the hollywood job

Kill yourself newfag

the thing he's talking about has 4 legs and crotch tits
I'm guessings its yellow or pink

Because english is cringe and sounds like porn

>english person

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English is less cute of a language and the standard American accent that every dub actor has sounds whiny and nasally.

pink is just annoying,but i guess it would fit some anime girls as well. Purple could also fit well for some characters.
Point being, they're much better if they do regular voice acting instead of trying to force a japanese-anime-ish thing

Because shy and cute are such distinctive personality traits

Bruh... are you shit talking billy fucking crystal, in probably the best dubbed weeb performance of all time

The issue is even when they slap serious AAA actors into dubbing weeb shit, they don't take it seriously. It's for kids.

Also the issue of how jarring and shit the scripts and localization often are. So it's a job they're taking for a pay check combined with shit source.

The only 'good' performances you get are they old timers. So old actors who can act and create a character. Not typical hollywood actors trying to 'act' to fill something in.

Disney, pixar etc dubs are all fine. Because they're typically fantasy not taking themselves seriously. But weeb shit is normal people in fantasy settings that takes itself seriously.

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Sushi isn’t better than anything.
It requires salt shit to have be tasty:

the only english cute voice i have heard is from Gunnm Gally's british dub


its not salt is vinegar mayonnaise fag

Anime voices are pretty generic.

Konosuba had memorable voice acting because the actors had a bit of freedom.

just google
the show i talk about and "shy" and you will find a million hits

I've always felt the same way too
it's a shame anime dubs won't have the budget to compare the styles
too many fans, honestly rightly so, fear any amount of localization in anime due to shit like 4kids and donuts


I’m talking about shoyu
Also mayo is gross.

The English dub for the Bandit King Jing anime is vastly superior to the Japanese version. The English Dub characters give depth and style to the roles, whereas in Japanese everybody sounds like a bunch of walking stereotypes. Also in the English dub Jing is played by a man, and in Japanese by a woman which is totally unacceptable for the way Jing's portrayed in the anime and does Jing's character a lot of disservice. Rose in the English dub sounds like a girl with actual emotions, while in Japanese she's a squeaky filler stereotype.

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