Characters that are literally you.
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I just lost some teeth though.
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Literally me in the back
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Intelligent? Check. Nihilistic? Check. Wicked sense of humor? Definitely.
yep, literally me.
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Fucking pleb.
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Why do they call him farmer with a shotgun when what he fires is clearly a bullet.
>Character I want to be
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How does Yas Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
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kumagawa would never call himself intelligent you cuck
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All me
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must be hard feeling like a badly animated anime chcaracter
Glad someone posted it.
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this nigga browses reddit
asahi is me but without the glasses
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all 3
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In the entire history of animu and mango, has there ever been a hotel receptionist character that had any importance?
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