Why do so many isekai MC get lucky with the kinds of slave traders they meet?

Why do so many isekai MC get lucky with the kinds of slave traders they meet?

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Read The Wandering Inn.

Enslaving people is hard work and having the gumption to start and stay in the business is a sign of strong moral fiber.

What do you mean?

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When it's a proper legal business then you want to keep up appearances and act like an actual salesman.
Even if it was black market, you're not supposed to jew over everyone you see if you want to retain customers, unlike what some writers like to do.

Because Isekai is peak wish fulfillment

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I'll never get why slave traders always dress their slaves up in the same brown potato sacks. If flea markets have taught me anything, it's that dirt cheap clothing doesn't mean unfashionable.

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Maybe they like the aesthetic

I'll never get why slave traders always dress in the same colorful clown suits. If fashion shows have taught me anything, it's that flamboyant impractical clothing doesn't mean unfashionable.

They don't always, and Roxanne was dressed well. Maybe some of it is for quick removal to display their bodies to potential buyers. More of them should keep their slaves naked though.

>doesn't mean unfashionable
because it's fashionable. like you said

Yeah, they all should be naked just like real slaves.

Fucking adorable as fuck.

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>Eisen rank up and become a tree 2 times bigger than Taloshiem and Oruborm
>Her race is called Yggdrasil sapling

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>reincarnated into the setting of an otome game but the big bad is a demon queen but is very hot
How does one go about getting thesmelves a demon queen wife without her dying at the end because lol holy magic saintess powers

Smothering the main cast in the crib.

Not all of them, just more of them.

So who will she hatefuck to death?

Pent up aggression on the brother who I’m hoping is a siscon and would submit to her actions.

When does Erica get good?
I'm at chapter 36 and she's fucking useless.

>How does one go about getting thesmelves a demon queen wife without her dying at the end because lol holy magic saintess powers
Corrupt the saintess and make her your bitch

Like all negotiations, learn what she actually wants, then see if you can fulfill them without compromising your own goals.

>The Chad Wordsmith is turning her writing abilities towards becoming a detective

Also, can anyone read the french?

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Is Mangadex really fucking slow for all of you niggers or is it just me?

Works fine on my machine.


I can't even upload a doujin.

It was slow for me too.

It's been slow especially around this time

Thanks bbys. I thought it's my ISP screwing with me again.

Running the gauntlet of all the different pregnancy magics I see.

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Oh my fucking god what

I had just checked a minute or so ago to see if that had updated and was sad that it hadn't, and now it's out.

The pregnancy fetishist in me is disappointed she never keeps the belly for more than a page.

What would happen if she encountered some of that magic while being pregnant naturally?

Gonna wait till they fix this page to read the rest

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>(Note: the PUBLISHERS at Monthly Comic Sirius have decided to split every chapter for the foreseeable future into 2 parts due to the author's maternity leave.)
tfw you can enjoy your fetish and live it too.