This loli is dangerous

This loli is dangerous.

Attached: W2.png (1133x1600, 912.25K)

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What is this
reverse search not working

Are the chapters monthly now? I've been wanting to see just how far this one was going to go.

Probably latest manga by based (read paedophile) Uran

His art style is so hot tbqh

I wonder if we will ever see any other girls suddenly get a personality change with some time travel. The girl in the latest chapter could be interesting like that. The tank version of the chapter could be too.

Apparently Uran took a break last issue.

Look at the image you absolute retard


what mango?

Read OP's pic.

Attached: 13.png (1133x1600, 867.45K)

I wonder if we will ever see anything more than this chapter, and not just him imagining things or getting into accidents.

Teacher sure loves imagining him having sex with lolis.

How can you people be in an anime based channel for years and not be able to at least read kana?

because its a useless muddled language

As a teacher should.

When's the last time Uran drew porn?

It is useless for normalfags, and you just outed yourself as one.

This is what makes Yas Forums shit, condescending faggot weeks like you. Instead of just giving the answer you couldn’t resist being a huge faggot about it.

It’s in the goddamn image you stupid fag.

All loli are dangerous creatures

There's nothing wrong with being condescending to normies.

fuck off, nobody is going to spoonfeed you

Here you go

Oh, this is a lolishit manga. nevermind.


this is why you don't spoonfeed retards, let this be a lesson

Why would she even display a copy of that image like that? Is she going to do the same if she ever gets any of him in the bath?

Eat shit faggot

You couldn't tell from the OP? My god you're more of a retard than I thought. Let me guess you're a fucking spic too. Get your head blown off Pablo


If anyone needs proof that shounenshitters have ruined this board look no further than the stupidity displayed in this thread.