I dropped this when it was airing around episode 15 or so and I recently remembered it existed so I finished the show.
What the FUCK was that? The last third of this shit was just inconceivably terrible. When the stupid robot turned into a giant 02 , just what the fuck man.
Anyways I remember when it was airing there'd be like 3-4 1000+ reply threads for each episode here. I'm curious as to what the reaction was when the show started going completely off the rails?
Yas Forums spamming this garbage was the most embarrassing shit I've ever seen.
Michael Moore
you need a high iq to understand DitF.
Jackson Ward
i cant believe how terrible the last third was, im still thinking about it 3 hours later
Gavin Ward
you obviously haven't seen a lot of anime, if you think this was "inconceivably terrible". People only lashed out over the ending, because they cared and it was popular. If this was your run of the mill anime, no one would've cared if it had a mediocre ending and fell short. People only care to point out how terrible the ending was even though it wasn't that terrible and it was only exasperated by people having high expectations, but they never try to reflect on how incredible the rest of the show was, that it causes so much buzz and gains a huge following.
Dominic Watson
the life of plotfags sure must be tiring
Ethan White
It was that terrible, though. It has nothing to do with expectations
Daniel Fisher
triggerniggers are one of the biggest blights on this board
Andrew Foster
i've watched 700 shows dude
i was here when the threads were being made one after the other, people caring had absolutely nothing to do with the show being good lmao what the fuck are you even talking about it was awful on every level
Sebastian Davis
are you retarded? if it was your run of the mill anime, it would've been just a shit. except no one would mention it, because you know, it's just one of 50 running anime. it'd still have triggerdrones, of course.
Jose Lopez
>hurr durr it was that terrible, but i can't even explain why.
kill yourself cancerous faggot.
Charles Morgan
*it was perfect on every level
i agree
Jonathan Cox
Trigger couldn't resist the fucking space alien subplot and fucked everything up. I can't wait to see how they introduce aliens in BNA now.
The blue loli is still on my wet dreams tho. So fucking hot
Dylan Wood
It was perfect in every way outside of the writing.
Carter Thompson
are you mentally challenged? why would it gain such a huge following on Yas Forums even if it was so bad then. It was good until Yas Forums was upset because it didn't meet their expectations for a perfect ending for an anime that could've surpassed evangelion the king of mecha anime.
Angel Anderson
the animation was pretty shit too aside from character design
Michael Long
Trigger literally went "man I fucking loved gun/duebuster we better remake it but worse".
Angel Butler
>being popular on Yas Forums means its good lol
Kevin Ramirez
animation was hand-made and was something to marvel at, literally talking out of your ass to prove your point, faggot.
Ryan Sullivan
Trigger will always be chasing Gainax's shadow
Nathan Parker
Brody Scott
I think A-1 was reeling Trigger's autism at the start but towards the end Trigger's just gonna Trigger
Lucas Fisher
that only matters to autistic plotfags
Carter Barnes
I can't believe they wasted this potential. I still tear up watching the flashback scenes
i got too emotionally invested in this shit, made me feel really pathetic
Brandon Phillips
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Christian Carter
Very wholesome
Adam Gomez
>i literally have no argument so i'll resort to green text
the state of toxic franxx shitposters.
Alexander Reed
He's right, it was a beautiful show with iconic memorable characters
Dylan Stewart
How many cucks did this show have again?
Sebastian Howard
Yeap it started out good and then went a little too far. If only based Trigger got the formula right, all the pieces were there
Christopher White
It was fucking terrible and I'm saying this as someone who loved the first 15 eps
William Cruz
it was popular because Yas Forums is full of lonely people who got extremely emotionally invested in hiro/02. there really isn't much more to it than that and it's certainly not an indication of how good the show was overall. im not above saying i was also invested in that and i enjoyed the first 15 episodes because of it despite the rest of the show being pretty bad.
Alexander Williams
the latter half was better.
Brody Ortiz
I also stopped after the first season. I've been meaning to watch the rest of it. I really didn't miss the constant 02 threads every 5 fucking seconds.
Caleb Wilson
how? please tell us what you enjoyed about the space arc and how it was good
Jackson Gray
I want to just inject this scene into my veins and replay it 24/7 youtu.be/mkKSfjakDOk
Gavin Williams
there's nothing wrong with that even if it's 100% true, which it isn't .
Chase Evans
nice argument. yes i agree theres nothing wrong with liking shit anime cause it makes u feel. replayed this probably 15 times when it aired lol
Blake Jackson
these are just projections and subjective whims. It only turned bad when they started cutting corners with nakama bullshit and them going to space. Rest was character-oriented and pure kino and plotfags only hate it for wasting time with kokuro.