We will never have something as good as hyouka again

>we will never have something as good as hyouka again

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Tamako and KnK if you count movies.


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Hyouka was shit though

Maybe one day.

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I thought it was pretty generic at the time desu.

is DB better than RH?

sad but true

There is and it's better than hyouka
Tower of God

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Did they fuck?

Not in the anime though

Stop lying.

It was a good tearjerker but doesn't have much depth to it.

My only gripe with this is how unrealistic Chitanda is. If they just toned down her airheaded-ness a little, it would be perfect.

It wasn't very good, the dialogue was very off putting

Chitanda is an arranged marriage with rich guy, Oreki was put in the friend zone.

I agree, she was the only character that felt a bit cartoony

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i remember watching the first episode and never checking it up again
what im in for? i literally cant remember anything of that first episode so i dont know if its worth checking out again

On the surface it's about mysteries but it's very dialogue driven.
Underneath it's about changing your perspective in life.

not completly sold whit this description
i kind of like the idea behind it tho, how deep does it goes in to the changing your perspective in life?

>Underneath it's about changing your perspective in life.
Is it bad that I never realized this

It's a very heavily character-driven show. Basically there are a bunch of arcs revolving around a particular mystery which the four protagonists solve, but the real "meat" of the show are the subtle character interactions that occur almost independent of solving the mysteries, which in my opinion are pretty banal.

You can expect to get filtered pretty heavily if you don't like the mysteries (as was the case for me), but if you focus your attention more on the characters you'll get quite a lot out of it.


I hope this means Kara no Kyoukai because Kyoukai no Kanata was really meh

>You can expect to get filtered pretty heavily if you don't like the mysteries (as was the case for me), but if you focus your attention more on the characters you'll get quite a lot out of it
nice, will give it a try
probably will get filtered, but at last im watching something diferent, latelly im just reading manga sincei kinda lost all interest in anime

I watched it for the detective parts, which were pretty well executed even if they weren't solving crimes per se. Fuck I need more detective anime

KyoAnus will rise from its ashes, you'll see.

>tfw they come back with haruhi s3, hyouka s2 and k-on s3

I only remember the secret society fakeout and nothing else whatsoever.


1. Mysteries are all about having different perspectives to reach a solution.
2. Oreki states that he didn't put effort in unless if he needed
3. He commended people that want to pursue a rose colored life in youth but needed by putting in the effort.
3. chitanda chipped away at his views slowly to the point he voluntarily started to help her out in solving mysteries with no clear benefit for him.
3. The ending scene is a rose-colored life that was laid open for him because he was willing to put in effort to meet halfway with chitanda on their respective future goals.

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I also agree it was pretty boring

We all liked the school festival arc and hated the movie mystery arc.

i love chitanda

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But k-on S3 would be college or the new girls. Maybe the new girls would work but wouldn't be the same. Like that Working that didn't have any of the new characters.

database bro was pretty relatable


best school fes EVER

Funny how this relationship felt like it made more progress than the main characters'.

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you`d watch it anyway FAGGOT

I remember falling asleep


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