>"lol Evangelion ain't Christian, the symbolism don't mean nothing, it's all just pretty pictures, it means nothing."
>EoE features one of the most nakedly Christian acts in all of anime and, perhaps, all of kino too.
What did Anno mean by this?
"lol Evangelion ain't Christian, the symbolism don't mean nothing, it's all just pretty pictures, it means nothing."
Other urls found in this thread:
"i just thought it looked cool lmao"
How could such an avowed brainlet make something so good?
You mean Anno arrived at ethical concepts of compassion and forgiveness found in Christianity WITHOUT giving a fuck about Christianity? Wow, real head-scratcher there.
It's not merely compassion but a very particular, almost suicidal, form of compassion which is unique to Christianity. There is no other code of ethics, either Japanese or Western, that would support what Asuka is doing besides Christianity.
Anno was refering to the show when he said the christian imagery made no sense. in The End of Evangelion this is very different, it actually make a lot of sense. especially from a gnostic point of view.
>EoE features one of the most nakedly Christian acts in all of anime and, perhaps, all of kino too.
and that is?
Look at OP and think real hard.
>There is no other code of ethics, either Japanese or Western, that would support what Asuka is doing besides Christianity.
Within Instrumentality, for an indeterminable period of time, all of human consciousness was one, and intermingled among itself for the entire period. During this period, Asuka and Shinji, as one, could feel one another's emotions, affections, hatred, despair, and everything else buried. In this process, Shinji was convinced by others that humanity is better off as individuals who can be hurt, but also show passion and love towards one another, as it is a true form of feeling, rather than running away from others in isolation and never addressing the problem via communication (the main theme of the entire series). As Shinji ends Instrumentality and humans are capable of materializing as their individual forms upon making the choice to do so, it's extremely obvious why Asuka would choose to form herself immediately. So Shinji, both in a state of an emotional burst, as well as through his desire to convince himself that Instrumentality was truly over, immediately chokes Asuka. Asuka, equally wrought with emotions, decides not to beat Shinji back or resist, but instead to caress his cheek, showing him affection and love, which is simultaneously her expression that she can confirm her love for Shinji as well as confirming to him that she's real, and that Instrumentality is truly over. She puts a nail into it by calling him "Disgusting", which is also simultaneously a response to the Shinji she saw in Instrumentality, as well as once again, confirmation that Instrumentality is over, by showing him both affection and pain (caressing his cheek/calling his inner thoughts as a whole disgusting). Not one part of this has to do with Christianity.
>person inspired by particular books and their themes writes a story that has those themes
i just dont understand
this is not good bait and you can do it better
just say something about waifus if you want replies
When did jesus say "stop choking me bro" and then "I know you jacked off on me"?
>taking an explanation for a fucking kids' class as the real thing
This. It'd be easier to just say "Asuka a shit" and get 300+ replies from that alone, especially if the OP is a picture of Rei or Misato.
>Not one part of this has to do with Christianity.
Yes it does, specifically the part when she caresses him while he is strangling her.
>Implying Japanese people read the Bible.
The scene where Joseph chokes Mary because he's gone insane and then Mary touches him to show she's real?
So I guess Gendo impregnated Asuka.
>specifically the part when she caresses him while he is strangling her.
I literally wrote out why that occurs. Would you care to explain why this is a Christian act, and not just a social display?
>she caresses him
What is gentle or loving about a touch immediately followed by "ur gross"?
Are you people so retarded that you think an entire religion is just a collection of stories and not an entire system of symbols, practices and ethics?
I am literally asking you how this is a Christian act, and not a social response to Instrumentality. You have not answered this question. I have explained, at length, how this is appropriate due to the interactions within the setting. You have not explained how this is relevant in the realm of Christianity explicitly, and not just a natural response to circumstances. Give me a sufficient answer, or chop your useless sausage fingers off because they're being wasted on the internet.
You do realize that is less than half of a percent of the population? Most Japanese people probably don’t even know what the Bible is.
It's about forgiveness or turning the other cheek? is that the christian concept this scene is about?
>Symbolically forgives him
>"Kimochi warui"
How can you be so stupid?
Unless she’s into it
>I forgive you, shitbag
Really in-character for Asuka, honestly.
it was more a jokey literal reply than an actual response. but a serious answer that would explain why anno and co most likely read whatever they referenced most likely would have to do with how religion in 90s japan was sort of seen in that light that 00s kiddies saw creepypasta and urban legends on the internet.
It appears that the few Japanese who are aware of organized religion, outside of their shinto-buddhism amalgamation are really interested in the lore. Should the west be flattered?
and how does that change anything? you think people need your help to think for themself? come on user, no matter where you look at people think in a similar way, sure culture can change but we arent that diferent, its easy to arrive to the same conclusion whitout knowled of the other
example: multiple scientist get to the same conclusions in diferent parts of the world AND time without knowing about each other, some times rediscovering old knowled forgoten or dismissed before
To offer up compassion in the face of injury and possible death is a profoundly Christian act. Your "social response" explanation does not negate this.
Kimochi Warui
he didn't really want to get involved, so it's better to just avoid the question
anyone will half a brain can see the symbolism though, at least if they have some basic knowledge on it
Christianity encourages compassion above all else, but the instance in Evangelion is not inspired by this aspect of Christianity. It's a normal response as a result of the circumstances of End of Evangelion. Asuka caressing Shinji's cheek was not as a result of her being persecuted for any reason, or her being despised by her enemies or others, it was to show Shinji the love she's struggled to express through the course of the series. It was an entirely selfish act, not a selfless act of compassion.
Fuck you
"haha cool robot go fwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeerrrr THUNK THUNK THUNK"
like i said it was rather specific to 90s japan and a bit more nuanced than that. you'll see a lot of "serious" and "mature" anime and whatnot produced by the otaku scene at that time all carried vaguely christian or general spiritual undertones, most likely in tandem with the existential dread following the recession as well as the mainstreaming of western psychology and modern academia in japanese public culture resulting in very analytical approaches to this new wave of "cool and exciting new shit to play with". see things like kara no kyoukai, rahxephon, gasaraki, lain, haibane renmei, blood: the last vampire, and so on. there are most likely very religious christian japanese who are very familiar with christianity and its encompassing belief system, but for that time period it really was for most younger people just cool exotic shit.
>, it was to show Shinji the love she's struggled to express through the course of the series
Kimochi Warui x 2
>It's not merely compassion but a very particular, almost suicidal, form of compassion which is unique to Christianity.
[citation needed]
>Asuka caressing Shinji's cheek was not as a result of her being persecuted for any reason, or her being despised by her enemies or others, it was to show Shinji the love she's struggled to express through the course of the series. It was an entirely selfish act
Kinda weird she'd stroke Shinji's cheek to tell Kaji how much he actually meant to her, but sure.
What has their exoticism turned towards now?
She was literally lying to herself. She wanted to be loved by anybody, but if it wasn't going to be Shinji, it'd be the older adult man who was extremely charismatic, in control of things, had a job giving orders, and was openly flirtatious with everybody in the field regardless of their sex (Shinji's polar opposite) in order to spite Shinji for not returning her affection or expressing his own without express provocation. Communication, miscommunication, and poor communication are extremely integral themes here, user.