someone post THAT webm
Fine... But only because you asked nicely.
How many fucking things did bunny shit plagiarize?
Anime is the most incestous industry in the world, there's rarely any original ideas, and if they are, there's always going to be a million copycats afterwards.
Literally me and my gf at pic 3
damn I wish this was me
The 2nd row guy doesn't even go out with that girl.
He goes out with all of them
To be fair Oregairu did borrow stuff from Haganai and White album 2
>Yozora loves cats, is a loner, has long black hair/blue eyes and had a blonde childhood friend
>Kazusa Touma is a loner, initially cold, has long black hair, plays piano and her mother never really showed her love, falls in love with the first guy to treat her like a person and becomes friends with a fun loving girl
>MC of Haganai is a loner and does the "batman" thing
>both series centers around a club
>both series author is friends with Oregairu's author
Isn't Horikita in love with her older student council president brother? All I remember her being kind of cold in the first few episodes, MC bugging her a bit and then getting kind of shy in the last episode.
She gets over it by 2nd year. Even gets nisio'd.
Does she have any doujins? preferably vanilla but I'll take anything.
Do you like her? I found her to be so fucking annoying
What was it called again? Watched some episodes when it was airing but never finished it, good time as any to watch the rest.
school of elite.
the last one is bad. I know that anime because I'm the only one who remembers it. Kuroda asks MC to write script for a VN, he agrees. He gets tossed around two other girls and is delayed in writing the script. Later on it's revealed that she wants to make the game to bail her brother out of debt.
Thank god that show ended in 12 episodes
I remember it too
The short hair tomboy liked the MC but got cucked
Lots of people got mad
Shame it didn't get renewed. I think alot of japanese didn't buy the BD's due to it being anime original in some parts.
That's because literally me director shoved his waifu instead of following the story.
So? Anime original or biased director isn't anything new. It makes waifu fags look like pathetic manchildren.
Now they don't have to worry about any director because it will never ever get another chance at adaptation.
> it will never ever get another chance at adaptation.
Says who?
How many years has it been since season 1? When was the last time a show flopped so bad that they attempt re-adapt it to see what happens?
For it to have plagiarized them, it would require them to understand why those elements worked in the first place
Every story about a couple will include two-shots of them. That's basic filmmaking.
Same deal with the three shot of a love triangle. Putting multiple people in the frame is a powerful characterization technique, but there are only so many ways to position them.