Bros what is his endgame? Did he bring the chimera ant queen to kill off his father? What is the nature of his relationship with Pariston?
So many questions yet to be answered
Bros what is his endgame? Did he bring the chimera ant queen to kill off his father...
Is she stronger than Beyond?
No lol
How do we know he brought the Chimera ant queen to the NGL?
You should have put Hunter x Hunter in the title, instead of the name field so it's easier to find in the catalog.
Op is such a dumb moron but the thread looks interesting.
Beyond represents Moses the same way his father, Isaac, named by Togashi after the israelite patriarch, had clear religiously symbolism surrounding his character. He's the carrier of his people, in this case the whole human race, the leader of the expedition to the promised land, the land flowing with milk and honey as spoken in the Bible, the riches and miraculous resources in the Dark Continent counterpart. "Beyond" refers to his biblical role in the exodus as guide and prophet, as in beyond the known world, its poverty and slavery, towards a land of promises and opportunities. It has nothing to do with asinine power level motivations, only shonenbabies with no clue about how Togashi thinks and works and no knowledge of the deeply rooted religious symbolism that permeates Hunter X Hunter would think of something as stupid as "He's called Beyond because he's stronger than his father".
you should refrain for making threads if the author doesnt give a fuck about his ip we shouldn't make it easy to keep the fanbase alive.
>How do we know he brought the Chimera ant queen to the NGL?
Is this a popular theory?
>Did he bring the chimera ant queen to kill off his father?
That would actually be a pretty kino reveal. While I could buy into the queen just swimming there or whatever it did seem like a bit of a trek for an ant
I'm sexually attracted to Neferpitou.
What's the next arc? The Wider World?
Pitou doesn't like people who lewd her.
He wants to explore the dark continent and plans on convincing the hunters to help him and his team do it. He literally said it.
>So many questions yet to be answered
And they never will
Why are he and Netero such psychopaths?
He wants go to muh dark continent
no reason to sacrifice thousand of civilians
Was this the best episode of the series?
He isn't sacrificing anyone speedreader, the civilians will be dropped on the fake continent safely
Kite would have won against PItou if Gon and Killua weren't with him.
Imagine thinking that
Boat, Dark Continent exploration and then Gyro/Meteor City, which will also be the last arc
Can any battle in SW arc top this?
I don't know if any battle in HxH can top it, but that's alright
Kite would've lasted like 5 seconds longer
Not really since losing his arm put him at a huge disadvantage.
They gonna be sacrificed for the ritual u Godspeed reader
Did he deserve it?
sw isn't about fights
>Is she stronger Strongest Non-Zodiac, Hunter Asccociated Hunter on the boat?
He's not the one who set up the succession ceremony you fucking brainlet, that's Nasubi, and that line about the sacrifice is not even literal, dumb dumb