How to instantly trigger Yas Forums
How to instantly trigger Yas Forums
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Does anyone have the picture from the manga where someone shopped out the baby and replaced it with a bouquet of flowers?
They were like 12
Was she supposed to wait for him for 15 years just because they were in love in elementary ?
Fucking self inserts
The MC never should've been in a coma for 15 years.
I'd rather leave my mom dead than make her wipe my comatose ass for 15 years.
Based on what?
A Dr. Seuss novel
This and the seething Fatoshits from Darling threads were so much fun to troll
Good times. I think some of those idiots still lurk now, their assholes still sore and bruised
You are like a little baby
Watch this
I like SAO
Watching that episode was like putting your face next to an anus and inhaling deeply
I am a virgin.webm
Post it
I stoppped caring about triggering Yas Forums after the Yas Forums - /jp/ split.
This was fucked up, hes literally a 29 year old man in a 12 year olds body.
How did that guy convince people that his presence as an episode director on their project is an exalted god given blessing? The same thing happened recently with Dororo. They drop some bullshit statement how they were able to get him to sign on for a portion of the anime as if people are supposed to prepare for some kind of artistic Masterpeice is about to be dropped and it is once again the single most hated portion of the show.
Hey Yas Forums
GAWEWWWDDD MY EYES>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone who gets triggered by this is a 12yo or a manchild edgelord. But it's a fucking weird sentence comming from Daru, he's basically a Yas Forums degenerate, "kill him 4 teh lulz" would've been more in character
This has been sitting on my HDD for months, should I watch it?
That's my baby!!
>bottom right
That girl had the nerve and audacity to have sex with someone that wasn't the MC while this one was in a coma
this one always works
Boku no pico
Don't dare mention this garbage show
Wait, lmao what anime is that one with the black kid, this cant be real, kek.
You are all like little babies
watch this.
Beat me to it. I was for this from the get go
delete this
It's Hero Cuckademia.
Only redditors and niggers care about this show
Rem killed him multiple times and even rejected him when he asked her to run away with him. Dumb bitch, she's also just a fucking maid. Emilia is a princess.
No fucking way, they have black bvlls and cucks in shounen nowadays? Thank god i dont read that garbage.
>this cant be real
Yes user, black kids aren't real
Fuck you
true tears
someone already posted the chair or I'd post that with this and leave
What happened in the ending of Darling in the franxx that triggered Yas Forums? I didn't watch the show
Was it cuckshit too?
Aliens were the true threat all along
Zero Two turned into a robot
The end.