AiPare, Prichan, Mewkledreamy

Aikatsu is basically in a coma until the fall so everyone should catch up on previous seasons if they haven't already.

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aipare sucks

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>so everyone should catch up on previous seasons
Yes, previous seasons of Sanrio goodness, to better understand Mewkledreamy!

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Feel the difference.

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Me on the left

Can someone post her lewd webm, where they prepping for a theater theme?

What do they see in her?

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She's hot

Too bad her voice sounded like shit. And I usually like the inexperienced actors. At least the boy was cute.

Reminder that I, Italyainon, fucked Koharu when she moved to Italy.

Happy happy happy naru

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post naru ass

Italian opening of Yes Precure 5 GoGo is a penis music.

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He won eventually

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I can't deny that.

This is a metaphor for penises

Last time you explained to me what a penis voice was. What is a penis music?

It seems Naru liked it.

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What is Koharu's charm point?

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I don't know. I always found her pretty ugly and akatsukin and his fiends always attacked me if I said it.

>pretty ugly
but why

Tree climbing when

I want my metaphor all over Naru

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It better be you Yummy

Naru happy naru~

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Boys are gross and only think with their dicks.