
I've been rereading bleach and there are so much problems in the last arc
How come Ichibei lost against Yhwach? He made him an ant and he still lost for absolutely no reason? No reasons given apart from yhwach just saying he can see into the future, he can see into the future all he wants but if he can't beat someone he can't beat him
Why's Kubo so retarded

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Because Yhwach is also known as Sternenritter A the Asspull.

Kubo made Ichibei too strong and had him lose for some reason. Notice how after that he STILL wasn't dead and he resuscitated himself because Ichigo muttered his name

Didn't Kubo asspull it so that his power was to change the future not just to see it

Kubo loves (and is great at) designing characters but has no clue what to do with them

i know right
the division 0 and the vizards are all great charadesigns but they are all fuckign jobbers and do nothing
he brought back nelliel and grimmjow only for them to do absolutely nothing, he brought the fullbrigners back, we saw their back in one panel and they did absolutely nothing either, that was really sad
bambietta did jackshit too (she destroyed komamura and that's it...)

Kubo is a hack.

No ishida was A the Antithesis

Yhwach and Ishida both are the A

Yhwach is an Outer God in comparison to Ichibei; he exists outside of the parameters of Ichibei's abilities. This is why Yhwach denotes that he is the son of the Soul King, the very foundation of the world in which Ichibei acts as essentially a caretaker. The very nature of the Quincy is to alter the established world created by the first Soul King, which is why they directly manipulate reishi, not just channeling reiryoku like the Shinigami and Hollow do, because they are not a product of the old balance.

Honestly I'm not surprised Yas Forums did not understand this, the reading level of most shounenfags is incredibly low.

Because Yhwach can essentially select a possible future. As long as a future event is possible, he can choose it no matter how unlikely. So, there was a slim chance that Yhwach did not become weak like an ant and so he selected that. He doesn't actually have to act out the event, he just pulls it into effect. Ichigo's zanpaktou breaking? He didn't even hit it, he just manifested the break because it could happen, possibly.

That’s fucking retarded.

Yhwach was stronger. That’s why. Cope.

Yeah, its why people hate him. Ironically, Yhwach was a vitcim of his own power. No matter what he did, he was destined to be cut down by Ichigo, as he and his twink foresaw. Yhwach was either in denial or misunderstood his own power.


Because Kubo can't write "smart" fights. He really should have stuck to DB-style powerlevelfaggotrk.

>Kubo can't write "smart" fights
>95% of anons didn't understand this fight

Yhwach didn't have his power when he was being cut down by Ichigo, that was the entire point of that attack, it was the only thing that could beat him because they had only a few seconds after shooting the silver arrow

I mean, even if you don't do that deep analysis it's pretty fucking clear that Ywach's abilities are beyond Ichibei's grasp or domain since the moment Ichibei claims he has won cuz he reduced Ywach to an ant he procceeds to claim he's the Almighty and stomp him.

Writing himself into a corner with a villain that can essentially change the future and killing him off with a mcguffin arrow without even explaining how the fuck he didn't foresee that and thus leaving everyone wondering what the fuck happened is not a "smart" fight, retard-kun

>without even explaining how the fuck he didn't foresee that
>t. part of the 95%

You seem to be confusing two separate fights, "retard-kun". Also,
>killing him off with a mcguffin arrow without even explaining how the fuck he didn't foresee that

Basic causality explains this, maybe you're the one who's lacking in cerebral folds...

slow down buddy, you mach 5'd that manga

It was clearly stated that Uryuu's The Antithesis counters The Almighty

Hashbrown foresaw it and literally told him though, he just missinterpreted it.

well i did finish it today

Pretty much.
Too powerful for Ichibei's abilities.

have ever been a bigger asspull in manga history?

Yeah: the plot arrow that killed him.

yes, in the same manga actually

Attached: hitting_puberty.png (1778x1014, 673.87K)

why did yhwach lose then smartass


The entirety of Bleach is riddled with asspulls. That said it was one hell of a ride and still far better than the trash that was Naruto

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>who told you the bankai ends when the petals melt
Literally no one

user-kun, please stop mashing buttons on your keyboard and actually read what is being posted in the thread. I know Bleach upsets you but thats no excuse for comprehension failure.

>People ITT actually defend the asspull arrow
Haha holy shit, why would one do that? It was clearly just a lazy cop-out Kubo forced out of himself since he had to end the thing. Where the hell were you people back in the day? Because I sure as hell know the threads were full of shitposts and ridicule once that chapter droped. Literally no one defended Kubo back then so where do you even come from?

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No, the retard literally saw his own death in the future and dismissed it as a silly dream.

I just checked the bread in the archives. Funny how things are still the same, even nowadays:
>people calling on Kubo’s shit writing
>people defending Kubo’s shit writing
>people posting hot Bleach bitches
>that autist replying to everyone he disagrees with with “retard/speedreader/kill urself/etc”
>people shitting on the TYBW arc
>people hoping something will happen that will fix the TYBW arc
The most surprising is the last one, in regards to the anime.

>People ITT actually paid attention when reading

Recently watched in a YT vid the Kensei, Rose vs. Mask fight. Boy, I sure do hope they use the Benny Hill theme in the anime when Rose explains his Bankai and gets a star-shaped hole penetrate him as a reward.

>Where the hell were you people back in the day?

Waiting for you children to fall asleep.

Ok smoothbrain. It was common knowledge that the petals represented a time limit Hitsugaya absolutely should not let run out. Most people assumed he would either run out of bankai, lose the ability to fight for a long time, receive a heavy physical drawback similar to the one after he fought Shawlong or even die. No way in hell were puberty powers part of the deal

>where the hell were you people back in the day?
In tumblr and reddit. Everyone here was enjoying the trainwreck and nobody was taking it seriously.

>It was common knowledge that the petals represented a time limit Hitsugaya absolutely should not let run out.

That might have been true before the timeskip, we'll never know for sure.

>It was common headcanon that the petals represented a time limit