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They were my second favourite villains.

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In Hungary, Zoicite was male. When I started watching Sailor Moon on a German channel, Zoicite was a woman.

That shit blew my mind; what do you mean you can change a character's gender? I didn't know that was a possibility!

That had a huge effect in me growing up into a tolerant person. Also Zoicite is p.much the best Sailor Moon villain.

Great taste
but Nephrite was the best.

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Was this Ikuhara's fault?

In Canada Zoicite was a girl and she was my favourite character because I was 8 and having one of the girls wear pants and be horrible was a big deal for me.
But now I love him for starting my villains in love fetish. Sure they're evil, but they love each other. Also I hated Tuxedo Mask and Zoicite beat him up so that was a lot of points.
Okay that was a great plotline too.

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>S1 villains
They're cute and all, but let me post the real best henchman (woman)

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>That had a huge effect in me growing up into a tolerant person.
Probably the same for me

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Mah youmma.

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Damn, they just had a huge effect on making me a fujo

Okay, that too.

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Zoicyte was drawn so differently from any other male character that it was really easy to mistake him for a woman. I wonder if that was intentional.
Same with Fish Eye but by that point in time the dubs with which I watched them on tv were using Jap scripts instead of US ones, so it was always made clear that he was a dude.

Weirdly the version I saws had Fisheye as a woman but kept this.

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>it was really easy to mistake him for a woman
That's normal. Zoisite is a trap anyway.

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The cutest trap to ever exist.

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Do you think Usagi'd be aroused to see that?
We know Minako is.

Maybe. Probably not as much as Minako.

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Haruka is a cuter reverse trap.

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Neptune/Uranus was the best gay couple in the show.

"Power of the Nigga Force, grant me the strength to destroy those pesky sailor scouts!"

I really liked Zoisite when he was smug but really hated him whenever he was being jealous and/or whiny. Which was unfortunately most of his screentime with Kunzite. Also Kunzite was kind of a shitty boyfriend for still working for Beryl despite her murdering Zoisite, I get that it's probably because they weren't even a couple in the original story but still

The tragedy of conflicting loyalties.

Thoughts on their predecessors?

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Bancoran has probably one of my favorite bishounen designs, I'm not even joking.

when I was a child I'd always get a stiffy with haruka and michiru


Which is why Zoisite was made into a woman.

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Also in the manga Sailor Venus killed Zoisite, so Kunzite could remain loyal to Beryl.

I guess the anime didn't want the Sailor Soldiers to go around killing everyone they met.

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Is it the eyeshadow or the leather gloves?

No, Junichi Sato directed the first season.
Ikuhara was only responsible for that time he got consumed in a sea of rats.

Nah, her thought process would be more like "Bitch, get off my BOYFRIEND!".
Now, if Haruka or Seiya were the one kissing him, she'd probably have a whyboner.

Both + long dark hair + smoking. Makes my heart flutter.

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