What fandom do you consider to be a circlejerk?

What fandom do you consider to be a circlejerk?

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Undoubtedly Madoka. It's full of psueds who want to fit in with the intellectual crowd, but can only defend their horse show for weebs by saying you didn't watch it.

You're favorite anime


jojo, one piece, most shounenshit for that matter I guess.

The WSJ alliance threads.



And that's a good thing

quality thread

Who is "favorite anime"?

I've never seen a fanbase circle the wagons better than HxH. You can't even get people to admit it was complete shit at the start. Berserk fans had a 1000x better humor even back in Millennium Empire when it seemed like it still had a chance to be the GOAT, much less after it was clear it was dead.

>You can't even get people to admit it was complete shit at the start
why you should?






hunterchad once again remains unbeatable

hxh is on hiatus outside of Yas Forums

What about the opposite? What are some other fanbases that can't stop talking about how awful their manga/anime is aside for Toubunfags.

What fanbase isn't?

all of them
the very concept of fandom is a circlejerk-y to begin with

>just admit it's shit
>I'm right you're wrong just admit
>admit pls....

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Came here to post this.

Jojo. Duh

You only say it's cringe because you're a part of it.


The Hunter x Hunter obsessed can go jump off a Cliff x Cliff. That whole chimera ant arc was shit but idiots won't stop calling it intellectual. It's the modern jap equivalent of catcher in the rye in that regard.

Isn't a circlejerk basically everyone having the same opinion?
Fandom implies a group of people liking something, but they can still have different opinions.

Oh, did I strike a nerve?

Anything that normalfags touch. Since normalfags think they are quirky and cool after they have watched a handful of anime they will defend their shounenshit until their deathbed. People unironically defend dogshit like KnY and Bnha.

extremely low IQ post

Pick any battle shounen.

Interesting. Please, instead of spewing petty insults, tell me what is wrong. I am confident in saying that your taste in anime is sub-par, or even terrible, since your lack of arguments denude your shallow and surface level experience with the medium.

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>He's hurt the BC or MHA get shat on every week

>Isn't a circlejerk basically everyone having the same opinion?
>Fandom implies a group of people liking something, but they can still have different opinions.
heh sure. go to any circle of people who consider themselves as part of a "fandom" and see how uncritical/hypocritical they are in their enjoyment of anything relating to their fandom's material of choice, yet absolutely refuse any criticism thrown at the things they like.

The smallest "fanbase" is the bigger cirlcejerk is.
And contrarianism is just another cirlcejerk.
You're part of console war circlejerk
You think you're not like other disgusting normalfags, however there is tons of other cool kids like you who think they're not like others. This makes you being part of others. You just wear fedora.

This kek I want to take away the word subvert from Kimetsufags

Based tripfagg.

extremely high IQ post

Based and nenpilled