Anime is good references other animes

>Anime is good references other animes

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>Anime is good
Pic unrelated.

I sure love my favourite anime character : Shimura Ken RIP

Gintama is funny on its own without needing to rely on the references.
The references are treated like the characters are doing a skit, but staying in character.

Gintama is a good anime because it doesn't need to commit to being one thing to be great. Good Comedy. Good Drama. Good Characters. Good Action etc.

Not the only reason, pic related.

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the family guy of anime

Pic related is good cuz it is funny

I am on episode 28, enjoying it so far but it seems like Sorachi has anal fetish considering all the poop and fart jokes. I mean there is a character named "ketsuno ana" which literally means asshole.

Gintama is South Park

Gintama is the best comedy anime ever made. No other anime makes you laugh nearly as much. It also has a nice nationalistic vibe.
If you know other anime and manga you'll appreciate it more but it's great even if you don't get all the references.

There are some very good battles too, it really is a masterpiece.
The Kintaro arc and MADAO episode will make you cry and laugh so hard at the same time, it's amazing. The umbrella episode will make you smile and give you diabetes...
Gintama has everything.

>Gintama is the best comedy anime ever made

Attached: Saiki.png (340x453, 163.27K)

It's Futurama because of the oddjobs nature and the anachronistic time period

Gintama makes fun of you.

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Dropped after 60 episodes.


pleb successfully filtered.

The new English dub on Hulu makes pop culture references like John Cena, Michael Bay and things that happened after it originally aired. That plus the silly voices make it really feel like an abridged series. I find original Japanese Gintama annoying because everyone is screaming and obnoxious but I'll admit this dub actually makes it pretty tolerable and fun.

>Pic unrelated
I see

So foreigners don't read books?

Who are you quoting? People like Gintama for what it is, the references are just there to add some seasoning on top.

It's Family Guy.

that joke gets explained in a later arc
though im sure Sorachi definitely has a fixation on assholes

The joke is that weebs mostly watch anime but refuse to read manga.

Based retard

Bro it gets better on episode 600. Just wait.

Literally every Gintamafag

And yet Japan goes after manga piracy sites abroad.

if you can´t enjoy the show by episode 25 then the show is just not for you. I understand that it´s a grand obstacle to overcome but it really is the kind of show that grows on you even if you dont get it at first. At it´s heart it is a very simple slice of life series meant to laugh at. There is a story, but mostly its just for jokes.
anyone who tries throwing shade of gintama can get fucked

Indeed, and hey, if it doesnt catch, thats fine. We will just enjoy different things.