So why do people criticize Oda for how he draws people crying again? You're not supposed to look handsome or cool, in moments of such despair its only natural to be presented like this. Characters are not immune to ugliness. Its quite unrealistic for people to go through tragedy and just shed just one tear like a bishounen faggot usually does
Crying in One Piece
crying face should be distinguishable from gag face
Who the fuck in what world beside retards on Yas Forums said that ?
I don't care, they should just stop crying in general.
based 12 year old
Was this supposed to be funny or dramatic?
>people should look appealing when crying or grieving
not sure if youre autistic or a bishounenfag
Based crybaby
Luffy never reacted like that in the whole series, if that reaction doesn't make you feel shocked you've never read One Piece and are posting this just for the sake of shitposting
Because they got plebfiltered like
Because the way he draws mouths is completely awful.
People aren't supposed to look retarded when crying neither
nigger one piece is the plebbest manga out there
Damn man you guys a bunch of bitches. It's one thing to say you don't like how Oda draws them crying thought I really like the exaggerated faces it really hits home how impactful the moment is, but when you say the characters shouldn't cry at all it proves you are 100% incappable of proper brain function.
It was supposed to look ugly. Cuz death is ugly and crying is ugly
One Piece is the perfect combination of pleb and kino. That's why it attracts both demographic. Only demographic it doesn't attract is pretentious teenagers
>why do people criticize Oda
This. Oda is beyond criticism, everyone he does is pure gold. He's written next to 1000 chapters of pure masterpiece, every sinle chapter and beat of the story is absolutely flawless.
I want to suck his cock so bad.
Because they are not very smart. We had this thread already. Oda is fairly good when it comes to portraying emotions.
As much i hate to share my favorite manga with normies you are right.
>in moments of such despair
Wait, i tough ruffy was crying of laughter there.
This goes well beyond bishounen characters though. Many shounen series have the hero cry a stream of tears even at their most manly, but you're right in that they never get to be ugly about it. Same with girls to be honest, but the general expectation is that that kind of cry is unappealing and weak looking to readers
you're right, but it's so exaggerated to the point where its disgusting
I took this seriously at first. You almost had me.
haha funny sad man
Because they look goofy as fuck while doing it. Nobody cries like that, or gets behind a character that cries all the time like a fucking faggot.
>Oda is beyond criticism
It's saddening how accurate this describes OP fags defending the manga.
One Piece art style is terrible for anything dramatic. It's not about looking pretty when you cry, it's looking relatable. Like a human being.
Looking at someone crying should NOT make me laugh because of how stupid/silly they look, which is what OP does constantly.
Not a single death, not a single tragic moment works.
If feel like going to a funeral and see its all clowns, complete with pies to the face.
Only adds to One Piece in a good way. Humanity comes in many shades, pretty and ugly. Oda's been filtering prettyonlyfags for decades and it's glorious.
If you look into the One Piece fanbase, you'll quickly see all of them hate all of Oda's character designs for not being edgy.
He looks rabid.
Oda is pretty bad when it comes to drawing emotions.
But it is
Death is ugly my ass. There's nothing more sublimely beautiful than the act of dying.
>can't even read an entire post
>has to strawman hard to even have a chance to reply
that must be why Oda is called a hack once every ten posts for different reasons in every One Piece thread
okay, then kill yourself faggot
He is portraying the emotions the characters are feeling here pretty well also seems like a poor choice to use inteinollay goofy scenes to display his artistic skill or his lack of
>Serious vs gag
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So is Togashi
That's part of the problem, though. Oda's faces ALWAYS look goofy, and it ruins the mood of any scene that's supposed to be dramatic. I can't take OP's image seriously at all because of how ridiculous and retarded Luffy's mouth looks