Do you have a crush on Shamiko?

Do you have a crush on Shamiko?

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If I give the wrong answer, is she going to brainwash me?

You've already been brainwashed, user

I do.

I actually like Momo more. I especially enjoy her suffering.

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I don't know.


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But I'm not Momo...


Boobs too fat. Momo is far superior.


Will Momo's suffering ever end?

Hopefully not, my cute autistic crocs wearing flat chested husband (female)'s suffering through NTR is very cute!

Ugallu cute

very cute

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for me, it's Ryoko


Shamiko is for Monmo, my role is merely to protect their love with my life

no but I'm not Momo

same desu

I want to teach Lilith the way Adam's descendants reproduce.

My wife, Lixpo

She is so soft

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Just because I dream about Shamiko every night doesn't mean I have a crush!

Shamiko is Monmo property but I wouldn't mind being a third...

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I'm going to CRUSH Shamiko

Excellent taste

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What straight man doesn’t?

I find it hard to be into innocent naive teenagers anymore. But if you're asking if I'd tap that, certainly.

I want to offer her my nose to her pits

my god, came in this thread just to comment on this pic

And what is your comment exactly?