Clannad After Story

ITT we acknowledge Clannad: After Story as being the superior drama to the following:

I'll accept your concession.

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Hamfisted at times but sure I teared up like a bitch


The ending wasnt satisfying or properly done from an animewatchers perspective.

It was a letdown that Tomoya didn't end up with Kyou and magically got all of his problems fixed. But then again, it fits her character that she gets NTR'd by Nagisa twice even after her death.

AIR = Planetarian > Refrain > Clannad S1 > Little Busters > Clannad S2 = Kanon

Very based

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>Clannad S1 > Clannad S2
Okay I know contrarianism is fun but nobody actually thinks this

I can agree with this, but the message of the story is still easy to interpret.
Throughout the story of Clannad Tomoya runs away from his problems, and every time he opens himself up life smacks him down with tragedy. What Tomoya finally realizes at the end is that enjoying life and experiencing suffering are inseparable, and you can't have one without the other. Its because of this that when given the choice to start over he decides to call out to Nagisa rather than never meeting her, fully accepting that even with all the suffering getting to live with Nagisa and Ushio was the most fulfilling and joyful aspect to his life. Hes rewardedby fate for taking this risk by the reset where Nagisa and Ushio live. That's what Clannad is all about and that's why its one of the most beautiful stories ever told in all media.

>Kanon that low
c'mon man. I know auu and uguu might have been grating

clannad VN released april 2004
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind released march 2004

Adult Nagisa is a semen demon.

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I like emotional moment with fuuko more than anything in after story. If after story had ended at the sunflowerfield scene I would put it above the first season. It doesn't though and ruins pretty much everything by continuing.
The girls aren't really interesting and the only moment I like was the fox girl disappearing.

Summer Pockets is better

The worst part about the ending was Fuko being alive

Nagisa and Ushio are the most goodest girls.

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Nagisa is worst girl and her route is by far the most boring one, the only reason why you people like is because she was the main girl in the anime, stop being an animeonlyfag.

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>Clannad S1 > Clannad S2
I had no idea that it was possible to have such a shit taste.

>the most goodest girls.
I am pretty sure gods have higher frost resistence.

So who is best girl then?
I hope you are not implying it's Tomoyo with that picture...

>”hey guys these things came out at the same time!!”
doesn't matter

>it's Tomoyo
Obviously, she is the only girl who has her own story.
Nagisa's route isn't even about her it's about MC dealing with life. Nagisa herself is as simple as it can get, she is a plottool that causes Tomoya more pain, she herself is irrelevant to her own route.

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>it's Tomoyo
How can you say that if pic related is in the game? Tomoyo isn't even the best girl in her own spinoff game.
Tomoyo is a plottool that causes Tomoya inferiority complexes on nuclear levels. And she herself has even less character growth than Nagisa.

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>Tomoya inferiority complexes on nuclear levels
Read the visual novel you pleb.

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That's not even a matter of opinion, Clannad is objectively better than those shows

Non argument.
Tomoya ends his entire relationship with Tomoyo just because some smug little shitter from Tomoyo's student council club told him he wasn't good enough for her. And he honestly believed that. In the end, Tomoya and Tomoyo don't talk for a whole year and then just make up for plot reasons in the last 5 minutes. His inferiority complex is basically the only character development he goes through in her route. Were you watching TV while speedreading Tomoyo's chapter or something?

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Again, if you don't know their story you can't talk about it.

>Were you watching TV while speedreading Tomoyo's chapter or something?
This sums up animeonlyfags.

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Absolutely based

>read the novel
>you don't know their story
Again, bring arguments or BTFO shitpost-kun!

Why would I acknowledge Clannad as anything more than the dullest anime franchise in the history of anime franchises? Clannad may be anti-Chuunibyou (or not) but it's certainly the anti-Kanon in it's refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact, now thankfully they longer have to.