Why he dont use Rinnegan powers like Nagato in battle?
Why he dont use Rinnegan powers like Nagato in battle?
1. Learn English
2. He could barely handle one rinnegan as stated by himself. Nagato had it since childhood and trained with it.
>Nagato had it since childhood and trained with it.
I thought it was bullshit Uzumaki clan shenanigans that allowed him to use it.
I'm sure that helped.
>Tobi's six paths are the remaining jinchuriki with transplanted rinnegans and sharingans
This alone should've told that Kishi was a hack who was just writing by the seat of his pants at this point
Obito was already massively OP before he had the Rinnegan so Kishi nerved him a little
Because he sucks at using the rinnegan
Makes a lot of sense, he only had that eye for like one week
He would be too strong if he used Rinnegan or his Wood Style abilities. You saw what happened when Madara used his Chibaku Tensei and created those raindrops, Naruto and Sasuke could barely keep up.
>This alone should've told that Kishi was a hack who was just writing by the seat of his pants at this point
How so?
lets go Konan... we're setting off for Konoha
Because kamui was thousand times better
Fully developed sharingan gives you bullshit like moves precog, copying shit, enhanced resistance against genjutsu and few other powers.
It was balanced by high chakra consumption BUT zombies have infinite chakra.
They should have been nearly impossible to defeat.
But in the end talk no jutsu > everything else.
The only explanation we got was when Guy and Kakashi mentioned that using the 6 paths abilities would be a waste of chakra since they already knew about them and how to counter them ... Which is a kinda BS explanation but whatever, in reality Kishi just wrote himself in a corner and had to come up with something.
Stolen eye
Ninja war was truly the shittiest arc, wasn’t it?
>They should have been nearly impossible to defeat.
I agree especially since he controlled 7 of them. Kishimoto tried to explain it by showing that Obito didn't have perfect control over them but its still an underuse of Rinnegan and Sharingan abilities.
It reads like something out of a shitty fanfic (like most of the war arc), and Obito doesn't even use them as anything but beatsticks.
Kishimoto can't write a fight to save his life and instead just comes up with power-laundry lists to ascribe to various characters as a standin for powerlevels, even if said character never actually uses half of what they're supposedly capable.
It's why 80% of the manga is just jerking off over how many fucking powers characters can pile into themselves.
knowing scrubs hahahah knowing why he would call him by a female namehahahahhahahaha this is gold
he makes the metal rods
What's with all the Naruto spam on this board lately? It's always the same threads with the same general topics.
Is it just one guy?
Same reason Madara and Sasuke don't. Because they'd be too overpowered and make Naruto look weak.
Obito was the most nerfed character in the manga
>didn't use kamui when he was Jinchuuriki
>didn't use Rinnegan jutsus
>didn't use Mokuton
He couldn't use the phasing part of Kamui because it would have weakened his control over the Juubi, but he would have been able to teleport. The rest is true, Kishi didnt know how to handle his abilities so he just ignore them.
>Literally the strongest Sharingan ability
>Didn’t use it when he became the ten tails host, despite madara using it when he was the ten tails host
You cant use Kamuis phasing ability when you are the 10tails Jinchuuriki.
Madara used Kamui as 10 tails jinchuriki. He is just the best
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