Claims there is only skill in Sensha-Do

>claims there is only skill in Sensha-Do
Meanwhile her daughter only manages to win using cheese strats

Why do people rate Miho?

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Miho is alright, but I rate Shiho a 9/10. Would marry here and give her more autistic daughters

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Please elaborate. I see plot armor, especially against Pravda and the bridge scene in DF1, but no cheese.

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She never actually engages in combat. It's always run away and throw everything at the enemy flag tank to get it and nothing else.

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The goal is to win the game, you don't play a game to play the game
Stop hating on Miho for being good at the game

Yes, she wins, but there is no style, no grace in how she does it. She should have been EXPOSED hard in Der Film

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She cant do much else with ooarai. If you think about it, all the other schools have an ongoing tankery programm with instructors and actual experience. Even schools like anzio and chihatan should be on average more experienced and skillful, than the rag tag team from ooari high school. But they arent, all of them lose to a team that didnt even operated a tank a few months prior the tournament. Just dont think about it and enjoy cute girls in tanks.

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There is no honor in war, only victory

outwitting your opponent through smart use of resources and unorthodox tactics is a skill though

The way they took down the Maus was pretty stylish

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>aiming at the target is "cheese"
>avoiding unnecessary losses is "cheese"

what even is the "nishizumi style". From what I can tell it's nothing more than having more and better tanks than your poorer opponents

They are when you sacrifice your whole team to keep the flag tank in the game for two extra minutes

It's a rich man's TOTSUGEKI. Literally charge at the enemy with a perfect formation and morale. It works because the late war German Cats can tank the hits and have the firepower to hit back effectively.

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The Anzio team was literally set up by Duce alone. The Das Finale drama CDs have her and Carpaccio tell the story. During Duces first year, she was the only member. During her second year she got Carpaccio and Pepperoni. Literally all the other members joined after that. They're the school most relevant when comparing to Ooarai, but while Ooarai had some usable tanks laying around, Anzio only had italian tankettes.

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To be honest the Semovente had a 75mm gun. Still, Anzio is FUCKED when the Duce leaves. Not even Carpaccio can save that trainwreck.

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It's based on the late war Panzerkeil tactic the germans used.

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>sacrificing pawns to get checkmate is "cheese"

It’s not war, though. It’s a sport. She’s not being very sporting.

>Japan uses senshadou practisioners as conscripts
>Commanders have to learn that 70 % casualty rates are not an acceptable way to "win" a battle

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Couldn’t they have won by simply having the Maus as their flag tank and sitting it in the middle of an open field with no high ground nearby? None of the MC’s team’s tanks can penetrate a Maus at all. Why even allow a team to field a vehicle that cannot be penetrated by the enemy team?

Why is there so many of her doujin? Aren't the highschool girls the focus of the anime?

Is the Finale drama CD translated somewhere?

There must be some rule or clause that forbis wunderwaffe tier tanks to be used as flag tanks

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>ducks taught that shrimp proper tactics
>they get their ass kicked because nip team can do good with proper tactics
Fuck the ducks.

Don't know, haven't looked. There are a few people here doing stuff in japanese. You can get the raws here though:

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Because Shiho is extremely hot, and her cold demeanor makes it even hotter. Her husband's never home as well. Finally she leaves room for imagination as to how she actually behaves when she ticks her autism box off.

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I thought for some reason this was gonna be a Black Bullet thread. Bear in mind I don't really remember much of it, and Sensha-Do sounds like the martial art that the brunette practiced in the show.

Does she show up a lot in the show? Or is she like Rinko Gundam who rarely shows up but still popular nonetheless.

I really want to fuck Erika

But that's HERESY

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Here's all the GuP Das Finale Drama CDs: