Why do poor characters in anime/manga have like 5 siblings?

Why do poor characters in anime/manga have like 5 siblings?

Is it a thing that because they are poor they have a lot of children or are they poor because they have a lot of children?

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art imitates life

The rich have many joys, the poor have many children.

More importantly, why does girls being poor give me an erection?

Because being poor correlates with having a lower IQ, thus making it more likely to have lots of unplanned children due to not thinking about the long-term consequences.

my daughter yayoi is so cute

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I'm about to give this poor girl a child if you know what I mean.

Because you have low self esteem and you think that a poor girl will be more attracted to you and ignore your numerous personality flaws in exchange for economic security.

Poor people can't afford hobbies, so they just fuck all the time.

It's a classic and almost universal stereotype.
Poor=lots of children.
Not the other way around, and it's also true IRL, as if they were trying to fill a void by having children.

Might be some game theory thing. If you are more inclined due to genes or family culture to have a lot of kids, your patrimony dilutes and each generation has to start from 0, while those who have few kids eventually inherit more stuff and also their parents can spend a lot of money per kid on education, often resulting in better paid jobs.

Both. In old society it used to be important to have many kids because most would die of illness early on, and you wanted at least a few healthy heirs to inherit and distribute your name and wealth. If you were poor, more kids was supposed to increase your potential sources of income as you aged (if you have 5 kids, there's a better chance at least one will get a decent job). However, as average growth of cost of living began outpacing average growth of wages, it became more and more expensive to have children. So yes, in the past, poor people thought more children would be helpful, but in the present, it's more likely they're poor because they must care for many mouths

Makes sense if the family was a middle class one, but because one of the parents died, the family became poor.

I mean, this isn't Africa-like situation, where every poorest family has 8 or 9 children just because they are that stupid.

I say it's a defense mechanism
being poor meant infanticide and thus those poor try to get as many as possible in case something happens

your modern age middle class couples have barely any risk of that so they can make 1-3 kids and just use their resources to build up those

To be poor she has a lot of meat on her.

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>lots of siblings

Is Yayoi Mexican?

I'm sorry I exist everyone.

Because is anime you fucking moron, anything can happen and still make sense, though in this particular case is just like in real life, poor people tend to reproduce more, don't ask me why because I don't know but that's how it works, same with beer, I had a friend that used to deliver beer all over the country and the biggest business was on the poorest parts of the country, that's how it works, why? I fucking don't know, if I were so poor I wouldn't waste my money in drinking daily.

See, that's the low self esteem talking. I meant that as harsh constructive criticism, not a cue to kill yourself like a 14 year old girl.

It's not just anime/manga. See Weasleys from Harry Potter.

Perhaps they are poor because they have 5 siblings. Or alternatively there are personality traits that both result in low income and high amounts of unprotected sex.

How does she afford the FTM transition?

Love cant pay bills..Poverty fags have been mindbroken
...Low Self esteem is also contagious even if you live in low rent you can become as cowardly and underachieving and unwilling to travel outsode of your comfort zone as your neighbours..The expectation of your peers??

Her wife Iori pays for it.

Why Shamiko's so big?
She's suppose to be flat from the lack of nutrition

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Unless you are wealthy manlet and have a loyal femlet wife you can keep happy and constantly pregnant...most betas try to but are usually too worried about losing their jobs to keep wife happy and happy wives unless they are married to rich manlets dont have more than three children because the chances of you getting divorced are low if you know how to be obedient to a man..


She looks very fuckable here. #nopedo

Sorry isn't enough kill yourself.

Was Yayoi an accident?

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Yes and probably the reason that caused her parents to become poor in the first place.