Black Clover's commitment to its utter retardation is honestly kind of admirable...

Black Clover's commitment to its utter retardation is honestly kind of admirable. You'd think after the first few arcs they'd learn things like not obnoxiously reminding the audience of every character's singular personality trait every time they appear onscreen, or not completely derailing the plot of every single arc, yet it continues full speed, never once improving. It's some of the dumbest shit ove ever watched, but its oddly fascinating.

Attached: MV5BNTAzYTlkMWEtOTNjZC00ZDU0LWI5ODUtYTRmYzY0MTAzYWZlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzgxODM4NjM@._V1_.jpg (640x960, 286.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:>>201523163 /deleted/deleted/

After reading the first chapters, Black Clover really just seemed like a cheap knock off of Naruto. In the same sense that Natsu in Fairy Tail is basically just a concentration of what the author thought was popular about Luffy from One Piece. The initial impression I got from Black Clover was that the author tried to make a manga using just the elements that he thought won Naruto its popularity. Needless to say, I was bored, and dropped it quickly.

So basically, if you've seen Naruto, Fairy Tail, or One Piece... there is a good chance that you will roll your eyes at Black Clover and say "Not this shit again."

Attached: [email protected] (370x300, 28.65K)

>reminding the audience of every character's singular personality trait every time they appear onscreen,
Like One Piece or BnHA don't do this constantly

Its basically a Frankenstein of every popular shonen series. It's even complete with it's own Gaara

This. Black Clover doesn't add anything new to the table.

You could clearly tell that BC was trash from the first chapter.

Attached: autist yelling.jpg (1280x720, 112.67K)

Is he autistic?

>it's okey to be shit because other series are too


>ip count doesn't move when faggot op bumps his own dead shitpost thread on page 10
>samefag retard still pretending to be multiple people even after he's been exposed literally every time
>ban evading>>201523163 /deleted/deleted/

Kill yourself

that's exactly why it's enjoyable

We know BC is shit

Take your meds user. I have no idea who you're referring to. This is the first thread I've made on this board in weeks. And I've only replied once (twice now) in this thread.

black clover sucks

BC "universe" is equal to OP but the author isnt good with drama.
Unlike Luffy Piece he tries to give everyone their own space but he lacks something (I could name it but I dont know the adjective...Its related to plot development) and fails.
Im not a fan but the kingdom is so interesting without being too edgy or weird like OP or HxH that it keeps me entertained...if the author manages to read the count of Montecristo and the three musketeers he could improve the mango.

>BC "universe" is equal to OP

Attached: 1584054808507.jpg (256x256, 37.26K)

>BC "universe" is equal to OP

fuck off

Or what?

What am I looking at?

Love this show. Knowing mha fangirls hate it only solidifies my love for it

Attached: Extra_Preview.jpg (600x338, 28.87K)

Jimbo at it again lmao

Doesn’t matter, it’s getting axed soon

Then why dont you try to talk about things you like rather than things you dont like.

Someone replying to themselves 30 times. All the posts were deleted at the same time when mods banned him, confirming it was samefaggotry

The person who makes these anti-bc threads every day is an obsessed subhuman spamming the board and weekly wsj toc and sales threads

If you didn't speed read the OP then you could tell that I don't actually hate BC. I had an observation on it that I thought was interesting and so I decided to share it. Also, what does me liking or disliking what I post about even have to do with me getting accused of samefagging and bumping my own threads?

Except that's not me retard

It's the same fucking person over and over again lmao

/mlp/ made Yas Forums seethe for nine years
BC might be going the same route for Yas Forums

why do the mha trannies hate BC? are they afraid of chad still?

But unlike other series BC isn't pretentious and doesn't even try to be different.

Not trying to make a difference is no merit at all

the nations are the suits of a deck of cards!
*closes tab*

Does this shit so anything interesting or new or is it just fairy tail 2.0?