Why do people hated on aku no hana when it first came out and sales was horrible

why do people hated on aku no hana when it first came out and sales was horrible
its good anime 8/10

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Because people expected it to be like the manga, not a rotoscoped abomination.

No its not.

Bec it's ugly.

because the manga is a masterpiece and the anime shit all over it

Because it looks like fucking ass and is a generally poor adaptation of an otherwise ok manga.

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they thought it'd be a casual anime and got filtered.

Rotoscope was a turn off.

the so called Yas Forums 'elitism'

I find it funny how Yas Forums hated it now I've started to see people who like the style of the anime because it's "different" and were probably children when it aired
I still hate it, manga is good though

You know exactly why

They got filtered. They expected cute girls not realising those would only detract from the narrative.

because it turned 10/10 cutes into ugly down syndrome potatoes

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who are the cute boys in the upper left?

I watched it expecting it to be shit because of how Yas Forums cried about it but it turned out to be genuinely pretty good. Episode 7's ending was easily the best moment of the adaptation especially.
the anime's art style benefitted the story much more and paired with the great direction of the show it felt genuinely uncomfortable to watch at points. Shame that it flopped since people like the fags above couldn't stomach it because they couldn't jerk off to the girls.

People who like trash because "it's different" are ALWAYS either angsty teenagers or genuine retards, but mostly angsty teen.


The people who oversimplify and dismiss people's reasons for enjoying something are more fitting of being defined as "genuine retards", retard-kun.

FUCK plotfags

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People unable to spot trends are.
The disability to generalize is one of the marks of low IQ.

This. I generally like anime that take risks or have a unique art style, but AnH was just ugly.

I enjoyed it, in part, because it WAS ugly. So much so, that I think it was thematically done on purpose. The unease and nervousness is enhanced and made more palpable because of the rotoscoped body language, because of the ugly expressions. Plus the weird ED just makes everything like it's not going to end well. I can look past the aesthetics, but I couldn't finish the manga because I was getting sick of the edge and whininess of all the characters.

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>anime characters look like japanese people
>anime with rotoscoped japanese people
>omg the characters are so ugly

because 90% of the people who were excited for it already read the manga

this but unironically

Because Yas Forums is full on insecure moe gobblers that cannot fathom a bit of reality into their animus. Rotoscopy was the perfect way to build an unsettling atmosphere, coupled with one of the best OST of the decade. Aku no hana is a fucking good adaptation.

That's just what women look like irl desu

>Because Yas Forums
Maybe you should scale back your contrarian stupidity a little bit, it flopped stupendously in Japan as well, 2ch was flooded with memes mocking it.

Because of the mango.

>newfags don't know about Free!
Kyoani deserved to burn.

Imagine, because Aku no hana abomination adaptation, we will never see again Oshimi shuzu works in the form of anime medium.